
UK Data Service variable record for:

Understanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013

Variable Details

Labelinterviewer: enter the 3 digit outcome code.
-9 missing 36923
-8 inapplicable 0
-2 refusal 0
-1 don't know 0
310 @snon contact no contact with hhold after minimum number of 70
320 @snon contact contact made but not with eligible respondents 18
322 @snon contact contact made but not with responsible adult 1
330 @snon contact contact made but no. not associated with hh 11
340 @snon contact always answer phone/voicemail 21
351 @snon contact always ringing not answered (no answering mach 38
354 @snon contact always busy/engaged line 4
355 @snon contact always fax/modem/data line/pager 0
356 @snon contact always telecommunication technological barrier 1
357 @snon contact technical phone problems 0
358 @snon contact out of service or disconnected 34
359 @snon contact other non-contact e.g. combination of 351 –3 7
390 @snon contact no contact with hh or stable contact 15
410 @srefusal office refusal 1
422 @srefusal contact made at address but information refused ab 1
430 @srefusal before interview 242
432 @srefusal proxy refusal 8
450 @srefusal broken appointment – no recontact 84
541 @sother non response language difficulties with hhold as a w 5
590 @sother non response other unproductive – record details 86
611 @sunknown eligibility office use only: not issued to intervi 4
612 @sunknown eligibility office use only: issued but not attemp 1
671 @sunknown eligibility certain hhold moved, no follow up deta 2
690 @sunknown eligibility unable to determine eligibility 1
782 @snot eligible all respondents no longer eligible - died 1
783 @snot eligible all respondents no longer eligible - not in u 2
784 @snot eligible hhold no longer eligible- tsm’s only 3
786 @snot eligible hhold no longer eligible, merged with another 2
790 @snot eligible office use only: other ineligible record deta 1
900 @ssupervisor only: sent tracing letters & sent to iser for t 159
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnderstanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013