
UK Data Service variable record for:

Understanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013

Variable Details

Labelyear of birth
-9 missing 1007
-8 inapplicable 0
-2 refusal 0
-1 don't know 0
1908 2
1910 3
1911 4
1912 11
1913 17
1914 19
1915 21
1916 41
1917 40
1918 47
1919 68
1920 131
1921 137
1922 138
1923 206
1924 203
1925 241
1926 292
1927 318
1928 389
1929 347
1930 455
1931 443
1932 526
1933 487
1934 578
1935 594
1936 605
1937 642
1938 693
1939 776
1940 739
1941 751
1942 857
1943 819
1944 922
1945 863
1946 1087
1947 1183
1948 1063
1949 1008
1950 971
1951 990
1952 1093
1953 1039
1954 1068
1955 1090
1956 1121
1957 1156
1958 1169
1959 1234
1960 1359
1961 1312
1962 1376
1963 1293
1964 1395
1965 1461
1966 1350
1967 1480
1968 1486
1969 1415
1970 1497
1971 1404
1972 1356
1973 1343
1974 1327
1975 1232
1976 1212
1977 1235
1978 1255
1979 1314
1980 1432
1981 1298
1982 1275
1983 1327
1984 1309
1985 1341
1986 1364
1987 1421
1988 1409
1989 1499
1990 1432
1991 1443
1992 1479
1993 1434
1994 1433
1995 1367
1996 1397
1997 1373
1998 1354
1999 1362
2000 1325
2001 1275
2002 1284
2003 1290
2004 1343
2005 1353
2006 1384
2007 1492
2008 1400
2009 1374
2010 1093
2011 673
2012 202
2013 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnderstanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013