
UK Data Service variable record for:

Childcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2009

Variable Details

LabelWhy didn't Person 11 have any more free hours that week?
-9 Refusal 0
-8 Don't know 0
-1 6708
1 More hours would have to be paid for 0
2 The setting had no extra sessions available 0
3 The setting had extra sessions available but not at convenie 0
4 The setting is difficult to get to 0
5 (child name) is too young to go for longer 0
6 (child name) would be unhappy going for longer 0
7 I didn t need childcare for (child name) for longer 0
8 One off circumstance (e.g. holiday, sickness) 0
9 Other 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationChildcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2009