
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July - December, 2010

Variable Details

LabelIndustry group in main job (3 digits)
11 01.1 Growing of non-perennial crops 24
12 01.2 Growing of perennial crops 2
13 01.3 Plant propagation 18
14 01.4 Animal production 169
15 01.5 Mixed farming 68
16 01.6 Sup actv agri & post-harv crop actv 33
17 01.7 Hunting & trapping related actv 1
21 02.1 Silviculture & other forestry actv 5
22 02.2 Logging 4
23 02.3 Gathring wild growing non-wood prod 0
24 02.4 Support services to forestry 5
31 03.1 Fishing 5
32 03.2 Aquaculture 3
51 05.1 Mining of hard coal 3
52 05.2 Mining of lignite 0
61 06.1 Extraction of crude petroleum 12
62 06.2 Extraction of natural gas 2
71 07.1 Mining of iron ores 0
72 07.2 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores 1
81 08.1 Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 15
89 08.9 Mining and quarrying n.e.c. 3
91 09.1 Sup actv for petrl & nat gas extrcn 49
99 09.9 Sup actv for othr mining & quarryng 1
101 10.1 Processing of meat products 88
102 10.2 Proc fish, crustaceans & molluscs 15
103 10.3 Proc & preserving of fruit & veg 31
104 10.4 Manu of vegtbl & animal oils & fats 1
105 10.5 Manufacture of dairy products 21
106 10.6 Manu of grain mill & starch prods 6
107 10.7 Manu of bakery & farinaceous prods 76
108 10.8 Manufacture of other food products 54
109 10.9 Manufacture of prepared animal feed 12
110 11.0 Manufacture of beverages 48
120 12.0 Manufacture of tobacco products 7
131 13.1 Prep and spinning of textile fibres 6
132 13.2 Weaving of textiles 6
133 13.3 Finishing of textiles 3
139 13.9 Manufacture of other textiles 39
141 14.1 Manu of wearing apparel, except fur 24
142 14.2 Manufacture of articles of fur 1
143 14.3 Manu of knitted & crocheted apparel 2
151 15.1 Tan & dress of leathr; manu lug etc 2
152 15.2 Manufacture of footwear 6
161 16.1 Sawmilling and planing of wood 8
162 16.2 Manu of prod of wood & relatd matrl 57
171 17.1 Manuf of pulp, paper & paperboard 28
172 17.2 Manu of artcls of paper & paprboard 38
181 18.1 Printing & serv actv related 140
182 18.2 Reproduction of recorded media 1
191 19.1 Manufacture of coke oven products 0
192 19.2 Manuf of refined petroleum products 32
201 20.1 Manufacture of basic chemicals 42
202 20.2 Manu pesticeds & othr agrochm prod 4
203 20.3 Manuf of paint & related products 13
204 20.4 Manuf detergent & related products 27
205 20.5 Manufacture other chemical products 14
206 20.6 Manufacture of man-made fibres 0
211 21.1 Manuf basic pharmaceutical products 36
212 21.2 Manu of pharmaceutical preparations 58
221 22.1 Manufacture of rubber products 26
222 22.2 Manufacture of plastics products 113
231 23.1 Manuf of glass & glass products 23
232 23.2 Manufacture of refractory products 6
233 23.3 Manuf of clay building materials 7
234 23.4 Manu of porcelain & ceramic prodcts 11
235 23.5 Manuf of cement, lime & plaster 3
236 23.6 Manuf concrete, cement and plaster 23
237 23.7 Cutting, shaping & finishing stone 5
239 23.9 Man abrsv & non-met min prod n.e.c. 5
241 24.1 Manu basc iron, steel & ferro-allys 39
242 24.2 Man tubes, pipe & rel prod of steel 23
243 24.3 Manuf processing of steel products 4
244 24.4 Manu basic prec & non-ferrous metal 13
245 24.5 Casting of metals 13
251 25.1 Manuf of structural metal products 37
252 25.2 Manu tanks, resrvoirs & cont of mtl 13
253 25.3 Manu of steam gen, exc CH boilers 6
254 25.4 Manuf of weapons and ammunition 7
255 25.5 Forg, press, stamp & roll-form metl 7
256 25.6 Treatment & coating of metals 88
257 25.7 Manu cutlery, tools & gen hardware 12
259 25.9 Manu of other fabricated metal prod 42
261 26.1 Manu electronic components & boards 37
262 26.2 Manuf of computer equipment 44
263 26.3 Manufof communication equipment 20
264 26.4 Manufacture of consumer electronics 0
265 26.5 Manu instru for measuring & testing 47
266 26.6 Manu irradiation & electromed eqmt 7
267 26.7 Manuf opt instruments & photo eqmt 3
268 26.8 Manuf of magnetic & optical media 2
271 27.1 Man elec motor, gener, transf etc 27
272 27.2 Manuf of batteries and accumulators 3
273 27.3 Manufacture wiring & wiring devices 6
274 27.4 Manu of electric lighting equipment 8
275 27.5 Manufacture of domestic appliances 9
279 27.9 Manuf of other electrical equipment 18
281 28.1 Manuf of general purpose machinery 62
282 28.2 Manuf of other gen-purp machinery 75
283 28.3 Manuf of agric & forestry machinery 10
284 28.4 Manu of metal forming mchny & tools 23
289 28.9 Manuf other special-purp machinery 68
291 29.1 Manufacture of motor vehicles 69
292 29.2 Manuf of bodies for motor vehicles 24
293 29.3 Manuf of parts for motor vehicles 58
301 30.1 Building of ships and boats 30
302 30.2 Manufacture of railway locomotives 11
303 30.3 Manu air, spacecraft & rel machinry 116
304 30.4 Manuf of military fighting vehicles 2
309 30.9 Manuf of transport equipment n.e.c. 4
310 31.0 Manufacture of furniture 75
321 32.1 Manufacture of jewellery 9
322 32.2 Manufacture of musical instruments 1
323 32.3 Manufacture of sports goods 11
324 32.4 Manufacture of games and toys 5
325 32.5 Manu of medical and dental supplies 40
329 32.9 Other manufacturing 16
331 33.1 Repair fabricated metal prod & eqpt 151
332 33.2 Installation ind machinery & eqpt 21
351 35.1 Electric power gen, trans & dist 114
352 35.2 Man gas; dist of gas fuel thru main 45
353 35.3 Steam and air conditioning supply 4
360 36.0 Water collectn, treatment & supply 54
370 37.0 Sewerage 10
381 38.1 Waste collection 45
382 38.2 Waste treatment and disposal 34
383 38.3 Materials recovery 28
390 39.0 Remediation & othr waste mngmt serv 24
411 41.1 Development of building projects 52
412 41.2 Constr of res & non-res buildings 604
421 42.1 Construction of roads and railways 92
422 42.2 Construction of utility projects 22
429 42.9 Constr other civil engineering proj 126
431 43.1 Demolition and site preparation 11
432 43.2 Othr construction installation actv 427
433 43.3 Building completion and finishing 338
439 43.9 Other specialised const actv n.e.c. 144
451 45.1 Sale of motor vehicles 108
452 45.2 Maintenance & repair motor vehicles 218
453 45.3 Sale of motor vehicle parts & acc 64
454 45.4 Sale, main, rep mtrcycle & rel prts 11
461 46.1 Whlesale on a fee or contract basis 38
462 46.2 Wsale agric raw mat & live animals 13
463 46.3 Whlesale food, beverages & tobacco 148
464 46.4 Wholesale of household goods 156
465 46.5 Whlesale of info and comm equipment 28
466 46.6 Whlesale othr machinry, eqmt & sup 86
467 46.7 Other specialised wholesale 154
469 46.9 Non-specialised wholesale trade 23
471 47.1 Ret sale in non-specialised stores 980
472 47.2 Ret sale food/bev/tob in spec store 160
473 47.3 Ret sale auto fuel in specsd stores 27
474 47.4 Ret sale info/com eqmt spec stores 48
475 47.5 Ret sale oth hhold eqmt spec stores 275
476 47.6 Ret sale of cult goods spec stores 118
477 47.7 Ret sale of oth goods specsd stores 663
478 47.8 Retail sale via stalls and markets 24
479 47.9 Ret trade nt in stores,stalls/mrkts 87
491 49.1 Passnger rail transport, interurban 52
492 49.2 Freight rail transport 4
493 49.3 Other passenger land transport 343
494 49.4 Freight trnspt by road & remvl serv 234
495 49.5 Transport via pipeline 3
501 50.1 Sea & coastal passengr water trnspt 7
502 50.2 Sea & coastal freight water trnsprt 18
503 50.3 Inland passenger water transport 1
504 50.4 Inland freight water transport 6
511 51.1 Passenger air transport 37
512 51.2 Freight air trnsprt & space trnsprt 7
521 52.1 Warehousing and storage 91
522 52.2 Support activities for trnsprtation 147
531 53.1 Postal actv undr univrsl serv oblgn 204
532 53.2 Other postal and courier activities 74
551 55.1 Hotels and similar accommodation 162
552 55.2 Holiday & other short stay accom 47
553 55.3 Campng grnds, rec veh & trailer prk 10
559 55.9 Other accommodation 8
561 56.1 Restaurnts & mob food serv activits 458
562 56.2 Event caterng & othr food serv actv 163
563 56.3 Beverage serving activities 203
581 58.1 Publ books, perio & oth publ actv 160
582 58.2 Software publishing 15
591 59.1 Motion pic, video & tv prog activs 63
592 59.2 Sound rec & music publ activities 6
601 60.1 Radio broadcasting 12
602 60.2 Tv prog & broadcasting activities 23
611 61.1 Wired telecommunications activities 58
612 61.2 Wireless telecommunications activs 69
613 61.3 Satellite telecomms activities 1
619 61.9 Other telecommunications activities 23
620 62.0 Computer progming and consultancy 374
631 63.1 Data proc host & rel actv web portl 13
639 63.9 Other information service activs 14
641 64.1 Monetary intermediation 332
642 64.2 Activities of holding companies 25
643 64.3 Trusts, funds & sim financial ents 31
649 64.9 Othr fin ser act exc ins & pen fund 54
651 65.1 Insurance 168
652 65.2 Reinsurance 10
653 65.3 Pension funding 13
661 66.1 Act aux fin ser, exc ins & pen fund 177
662 66.2 Actv aux to ins & pens funding 86
663 66.3 Fund management activities 12
681 68.1 Buying and selling own real estate 5
682 68.2 Renting & op own/leased real estate 134
683 68.3 Real est actv on fee or contr basis 122
691 69.1 Legal activities 190
692 69.2 Accounting and auditing activities 180
701 70.1 Activities of head offices 40
702 70.2 Management consultancy activities 243
711 71.1 Archrl & eng actv & rel tech conslt 372
712 71.2 Technical testing and analysis 46
721 72.1 R&D on natural sciences & enginring 97
722 72.2 R&D on social sci and humanities 10
731 73.1 Advertising 86
732 73.2 Market resrch & pub opinion polling 39
741 74.1 Specialised design activities 69
742 74.2 Photographic activities 38
743 74.3 Translation & interpretation actv 8
749 74.9 Othr prof, scien & tech actv n.e.c. 64
750 75.0 Veterinary activities 49
771 77.1 Renting and leasing of motor vehles 29
772 77.2 Renting & leasing pers & hhld goods 11
773 77.3 Rent & lease machn, eqmt & tang gds 58
774 77.4 Lease intel prop etc ex cpyrgtd wrk 0
781 78.1 Acts of emply placmnt agencies 103
782 78.2 Temp employment agency activities 56
783 78.3 Other human resources provision 3
791 79.1 Travel agency & tour op activities 58
799 79.9 Reservation service & related actv 21
801 80.1 Private security activities 122
802 80.2 Security systems service activities 14
803 80.3 Investigation activities 6
811 81.1 Combined facilities support acts 61
812 81.2 Cleaning activities 272
813 81.3 Landscape service activities 129
821 82.1 Office admin & support activities 23
822 82.2 Activities of call centres 47
823 82.3 Org of conventions & trade shows 19
829 82.9 Bus support service acts n.e.c. 56
841 84.1 State Admin & social/econ policy 982
842 84.2 Prov of services to the community 702
843 84.3 Compulsory social security acts 66
851 85.1 Pre-primary education 139
852 85.2 Primary education 1078
853 85.3 Secondary education 922
854 85.4 Higher education 500
855 85.5 Other education 310
856 85.6 Educational support activities 62
861 86.1 Hospital activities 1164
862 86.2 Medical and dental practice acts 324
869 86.9 Other human health activities 439
871 87.1 Residential nursing care activities 210
872 87.2 Res care acts for mental health 117
873 87.3 Res care actv for eldly & disabled 233
879 87.9 Other residential care activities 43
881 88.1 Soc wrk w/o accom for eldly & disb 53
889 88.9 Social work without accommodation 848
900 90.0 Creative, arts & entnmnt activities 119
910 91.0 Libraries, archvs, museum & culture 103
920 92.0 Gambling and betting activities 53
931 93.1 Sports activities 245
932 93.2 Amusement and recreation activities 84
941 94.1 Actv of bus & prof membership orgs 83
942 94.2 Activities of trade unions 5
949 94.9 Acts of membership organisations 162
951 95.1 Repair of computers & comms equip 40
952 95.2 Repair personal and househld goods 46
960 96.0 Other personal service activities 288
970 97.0 Domestic personnel 55
981 98.1 Undifferent'd goods of priv hholds 4
982 98.2 Undifferent'd serv of priv hholds 5
990 99.0 Extraterritorial organisations 30
-9 Does not apply 14107
-8 No answer 9
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July - December, 2010