
UK Data Service variable record for:

Integrated Household Survey, October 2009 - September 2010

Variable Details

LabelWho is your landlord...
Question text Who is your landlord... the local authority/council/Scottish Homes, a housing association, charitable trust or Local Housing Company, employer (organisation) of a household member, another organisation, relative/friend (before you lived here) of a household member, employer (individual) of a household member, another individual private landlord?
1 the local authority/council/scottish homes 42165
2 Housing association, charitable trust, Local Housing Company 31438
3 employer (organisation) of a household member 1677
4 another organisation 2188
5 relative/friend (before you lived here) of household member 3579
6 employer (individual) of a household member 957
7 another individual private landlord 48044
8 Refusal 0
9 Don't Know 0
-9 DNA 303288
-8 Don't Know 74
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationIntegrated Household Survey, October 2009 - September 2010
Interviewer InstructionsIndividual prompt: code first that applies. Any persons whose accommodation is tied to their job should be coded 3 or 6 at LLord. People in tied accommodation whose employer is a Local Authority or Scottish Housing Association should also be coded 3 (Employer). If property is let through an agent, the question refers to the owner not the agent.
UniversePersons resident in the UK in private households, and young people living away from the parental home in student halls of residence or similar institutions during term time.;National
SamplingEach of the surveys comprising the IHS have their own sampling design, meaning that the IHS includes clustered and non-clustered, multistage and single stage component samples and also cross-sectional and longitudinal data.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study
We think this variable belongs to a group:
GSS primary setting GSS Harmonised Principles