
UK Data Service variable record for:

1970 British Cohort Study: Activity Histories, 1986-2008

Variable Details

LabelActivity SEG '91(s5,s6,s7,s8 work activities)
1.1 Employers - large estab 16
1.2 Managers - large estab 1926
2.1 Employers - small estab 621
2.2 Managers - small estab 4141
3 Prof: Self-employed 198
4 Prof: Employees 2117
5.1 Intermed non-man: Ancilliary 7381
5.2 Intermed non-man: Foremen 2266
6 Junior non-manual 12324
7 Personal service 3970
8 Foremen & supervisors: manual 2009
9 Skilled manual 5170
10 Semi-skilled manual 5026
11 Unskilled manual 1568
12 Own account: non prof 1906
13 Farmers:employers & mngrs 0
14 Farmers: own account 0
15 Agricultural workers 0
16 Armed forces 0
-9 Refused/ other missing 0
-8 Don't know/ Not enough info. 1374
-1 Not applicable 34844
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
Location1970 British Cohort Study: Activity Histories, 1986-2008
UniverseAll children in England, Scotland and Wales born in one week in April, 1970.;National
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort