
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2010 - June 2011

Variable Details

LabelSOC2010 Main Job Minor Group
111 111 Chief Executive 7
112 112 Production Mana 60
113 113 Functional Mana 108
115 115 Financial Insti 10
116 116 Managers and Di 13
117 117 Senior Officers 7
118 118 Health and Soci 18
119 119 Managers and Di 30
121 121 Managers and Pr 5
122 122 Managers and Pr 25
124 124 Managers and Pr 7
125 125 Managers and Pr 62
211 211 Natural and Soc 29
212 212 Engineering Pro 59
213 213 Information Tec 86
214 214 Conservation an 5
215 215 Research and De 1
221 221 Health Professi 50
222 222 Therapy Profess 18
223 223 Nursing and Mid 68
231 231 Teaching and Ed 197
241 241 Legal Professio 15
242 242 Business, Resea 76
243 243 Architects, Tow 25
244 244 Welfare Profess 23
245 245 Librarians and 5
246 246 Quality and Reg 10
247 247 Media Professio 12
311 311 Science, Engine 31
312 312 Draughtspersons 11
313 313 Information Tec 18
321 321 Health Associat 19
323 323 Welfare and Hou 35
331 331 Protective Serv 39
341 341 Artistic, Liter 27
342 342 Design Occupati 10
344 344 Sports and Fitn 16
351 351 Transport Assoc 6
352 352 Legal Associate 5
353 353 Business, Finan 61
354 354 Sales, Marketin 83
355 355 Conservation an 3
356 356 Public Services 57
411 411 Administrative 70
412 412 Administrative 93
413 413 Administrative 52
415 415 Other Administr 97
416 416 Administrative 20
421 421 Secretarial and 130
511 511 Agricultural an 51
521 521 Metal Forming, 14
522 522 Metal Machining 41
523 523 Vehicle Trades 36
524 524 Electrical and 42
525 525 Skilled Metal, 7
531 531 Construction an 87
532 532 Building Finish 22
533 533 Construction an 5
541 541 Textiles and Ga 6
542 542 Printing Trades 7
543 543 Food Preparatio 39
544 544 Other Skilled T 13
612 612 Childcare and R 112
613 613 Animal Care and 7
614 614 Caring Personal 118
621 621 Leisure and Tra 15
622 622 Hairdressers an 23
623 623 Housekeeping an 8
624 624 Cleaning and Ho 8
711 711 Sales Assistant 184
712 712 Sales Related O 18
713 713 Sales Superviso 16
721 721 Customer Servic 37
722 722 Customer Servic 7
811 811 Process Operati 27
812 812 Plant and Machi 19
813 813 Assemblers and 30
814 814 Construction Op 18
821 821 Road Transport 97
822 822 Mobile Machine 23
823 823 Other Drivers a 10
911 911 Elementary Agri 17
912 912 Elementary Cons 13
913 913 Elementary Proc 26
921 921 Elementary Admi 33
923 923 Elementary Clea 73
924 924 Elementary Secu 40
925 925 Elementary Sale 17
926 926 Elementary Stor 41
927 927 Other Elementar 81
-9 Does not apply 2265
-8 No answer 2
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2010 - June 2011