
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2010 - June 2011

Variable Details

LabelSOC2010 Last Job Minor Group
111 111 Chief Executive 4
112 112 Production Mana 16
113 113 Functional Mana 13
115 115 Financial Insti 1
116 116 Managers and Di 2
117 117 Senior Officers 2
118 118 Health and Soci 2
119 119 Managers and Di 10
121 121 Managers and Pr 1
122 122 Managers and Pr 12
124 124 Managers and Pr 4
125 125 Managers and Pr 15
211 211 Natural and Soc 7
212 212 Engineering Pro 15
213 213 Information Tec 19
214 214 Conservation an 0
215 215 Research and De 0
221 221 Health Professi 11
222 222 Therapy Profess 1
223 223 Nursing and Mid 15
231 231 Teaching and Ed 63
241 241 Legal Professio 3
242 242 Business, Resea 19
243 243 Architects, Tow 4
244 244 Welfare Profess 6
245 245 Librarians and 1
246 246 Quality and Reg 3
247 247 Media Professio 5
311 311 Science, Engine 11
312 312 Draughtspersons 6
313 313 Information Tec 3
321 321 Health Associat 1
323 323 Welfare and Hou 11
331 331 Protective Serv 3
341 341 Artistic, Liter 7
342 342 Design Occupati 3
344 344 Sports and Fitn 1
351 351 Transport Assoc 1
352 352 Legal Associate 0
353 353 Business, Finan 13
354 354 Sales, Marketin 25
355 355 Conservation an 1
356 356 Public Services 19
411 411 Administrative 26
412 412 Administrative 47
413 413 Administrative 13
415 415 Other Administr 31
416 416 Administrative 6
421 421 Secretarial and 43
511 511 Agricultural an 8
521 521 Metal Forming, 8
522 522 Metal Machining 13
523 523 Vehicle Trades 12
524 524 Electrical and 15
525 525 Skilled Metal, 2
531 531 Construction an 20
532 532 Building Finish 11
533 533 Construction an 1
541 541 Textiles and Ga 5
542 542 Printing Trades 2
543 543 Food Preparatio 9
544 544 Other Skilled T 3
612 612 Childcare and R 28
613 613 Animal Care and 5
614 614 Caring Personal 56
621 621 Leisure and Tra 2
622 622 Hairdressers an 7
623 623 Housekeeping an 13
624 624 Cleaning and Ho 1
711 711 Sales Assistant 86
712 712 Sales Related O 3
713 713 Sales Superviso 2
721 721 Customer Servic 14
722 722 Customer Servic 2
811 811 Process Operati 10
812 812 Plant and Machi 12
813 813 Assemblers and 18
814 814 Construction Op 3
821 821 Road Transport 54
822 822 Mobile Machine 9
823 823 Other Drivers a 2
911 911 Elementary Agri 6
912 912 Elementary Cons 9
913 913 Elementary Proc 28
921 921 Elementary Admi 17
923 923 Elementary Clea 56
924 924 Elementary Secu 21
925 925 Elementary Sale 7
926 926 Elementary Stor 15
927 927 Other Elementar 58
-9 Does not apply 4491
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2010 - June 2011