Responses |
1115 |
1115 Chief executive |
0 |
1116 |
1116 Elected officer |
0 |
1121 |
1121 Production mana |
0 |
1122 |
1122 Production mana |
0 |
1123 |
1123 Production mana |
0 |
1131 |
1131 Financial manag |
0 |
1132 |
1132 Marketing and s |
0 |
1133 |
1133 Purchasing mana |
0 |
1134 |
1134 Advertising and |
0 |
1135 |
1135 Human resource |
0 |
1136 |
1136 Information tec |
0 |
1139 |
1139 Functional mana |
0 |
1150 |
1150 Financial insti |
0 |
1161 |
1161 Managers and di |
0 |
1162 |
1162 Managers and di |
0 |
1171 |
1171 Officers in arm |
0 |
1172 |
1172 Senior police o |
0 |
1173 |
1173 Senior officers |
0 |
1181 |
1181 Health services |
0 |
1184 |
1184 Social services |
0 |
1190 |
1190 Managers and di |
0 |
1211 |
1211 Managers and pr |
0 |
1213 |
1213 Managers and pr |
0 |
1221 |
1221 Hotel and accom |
0 |
1223 |
1223 Restaurant and |
0 |
1224 |
1224 Publicans and m |
0 |
1225 |
1225 Leisure and spo |
0 |
1226 |
1226 Travel agency m |
0 |
1241 |
1241 Health care pra |
0 |
1242 |
1242 Residential, da |
0 |
1251 |
1251 Property, housi |
0 |
1252 |
1252 Garage managers |
0 |
1253 |
1253 Hairdressing an |
0 |
1254 |
1254 Shopkeepers and |
0 |
1255 |
1255 Waste disposal |
0 |
1259 |
1259 Managers and pr |
0 |
2111 |
2111 Chemical scient |
0 |
2112 |
2112 Biological scie |
0 |
2113 |
2113 Physical scient |
0 |
2114 |
2114 Social and huma |
0 |
2119 |
2119 Natural and soc |
0 |
2121 |
2121 Civil engineers |
0 |
2122 |
2122 Mechanical engi |
0 |
2123 |
2123 Electrical engi |
0 |
2124 |
2124 Electronics eng |
0 |
2126 |
2126 Design and deve |
0 |
2127 |
2127 Production and |
0 |
2129 |
2129 Engineering pro |
0 |
2133 |
2133 IT specialist m |
0 |
2134 |
2134 IT project and |
0 |
2135 |
2135 IT business ana |
0 |
2136 |
2136 Programmers and |
0 |
2137 |
2137 Web design and |
0 |
2139 |
2139 Information tec |
0 |
2141 |
2141 Conservation pr |
0 |
2142 |
2142 Environment pro |
0 |
2150 |
2150 Research and de |
0 |
2211 |
2211 Medical practit |
0 |
2212 |
2212 Psychologists |
0 |
2213 |
2213 Pharmacists |
0 |
2214 |
2214 Ophthalmic opti |
0 |
2215 |
2215 Dental practiti |
0 |
2216 |
2216 Veterinarians |
0 |
2217 |
2217 Medical radiogr |
0 |
2218 |
2218 Podiatrists |
0 |
2219 |
2219 Health professi |
0 |
2221 |
2221 Physiotherapist |
0 |
2222 |
2222 Occupational th |
0 |
2223 |
2223 Speech and lang |
0 |
2229 |
2229 Therapy profess |
0 |
2231 |
2231 Nurses |
0 |
2232 |
2232 Midwives |
0 |
2311 |
2311 Higher educatio |
0 |
2312 |
2312 Further educati |
0 |
2314 |
2314 Secondary educa |
0 |
2315 |
2315 Primary and nur |
0 |
2316 |
2316 Special needs e |
0 |
2317 |
2317 Senior professi |
0 |
2318 |
2318 Education advis |
0 |
2319 |
2319 Teaching and ot |
0 |
2412 |
2412 Barristers and |
0 |
2413 |
2413 Solicitors |
0 |
2419 |
2419 Legal professio |
0 |
2421 |
2421 Chartered and c |
0 |
2423 |
2423 Management cons |
1 |
2424 |
2424 Business and fi |
0 |
2425 |
2425 Actuaries, econ |
0 |
2426 |
2426 Business and re |
0 |
2429 |
2429 Business, resea |
0 |
2431 |
2431 Architects |
0 |
2432 |
2432 Town planning o |
0 |
2433 |
2433 Quantity survey |
0 |
2434 |
2434 Chartered surve |
0 |
2435 |
2435 Chartered archi |
0 |
2436 |
2436 Construction pr |
0 |
2442 |
2442 Social workers |
0 |
2443 |
2443 Probation offic |
0 |
2444 |
2444 Clergy |
0 |
2449 |
2449 Welfare profess |
0 |
2451 |
2451 Librarians |
0 |
2452 |
2452 Archivists and |
0 |
2461 |
2461 Quality control |
0 |
2462 |
2462 Quality assuran |
0 |
2463 |
2463 Environmental h |
0 |
2471 |
2471 Journalists, ne |
0 |
2472 |
2472 Public relation |
0 |
2473 |
2473 Advertising acc |
0 |
3111 |
3111 Laboratory tech |
0 |
3112 |
3112 Electrical and |
0 |
3113 |
3113 Engineering tec |
0 |
3114 |
3114 Building and ci |
0 |
3115 |
3115 Quality assuran |
0 |
3116 |
3116 Planning, proce |
0 |
3119 |
3119 Science, engine |
0 |
3121 |
3121 Architectural a |
0 |
3122 |
3122 Draughtspersons |
0 |
3131 |
3131 IT operations t |
0 |
3132 |
3132 IT user support |
0 |
3213 |
3213 Paramedics |
0 |
3216 |
3216 Dispensing opti |
0 |
3217 |
3217 Pharmaceutical |
0 |
3218 |
3218 Medical and den |
0 |
3219 |
3219 Health associat |
0 |
3231 |
3231 Youth and commu |
0 |
3233 |
3233 Child and early |
0 |
3234 |
3234 Housing officer |
0 |
3235 |
3235 Counsellors |
0 |
3239 |
3239 Welfare and hou |
0 |
3311 |
3311 NCOs and other |
0 |
3312 |
3312 Police officers |
0 |
3313 |
3313 Fire service of |
0 |
3314 |
3314 Prison service |
0 |
3315 |
3315 Police communit |
0 |
3319 |
3319 Protective serv |
0 |
3411 |
3411 Artists |
0 |
3412 |
3412 Authors, writer |
0 |
3413 |
3413 Actors, enterta |
0 |
3414 |
3414 Dancers and cho |
0 |
3415 |
3415 Musicians |
0 |
3416 |
3416 Arts officers, |
0 |
3417 |
3417 Photographers, |
0 |
3421 |
3421 Graphic designe |
0 |
3422 |
3422 Product, clothi |
0 |
3441 |
3441 Sports players |
0 |
3442 |
3442 Sports coaches, |
0 |
3443 |
3443 Fitness instruc |
0 |
3511 |
3511 Air traffic con |
0 |
3512 |
3512 Aircraft pilots |
0 |
3513 |
3513 Ship and hoverc |
0 |
3520 |
3520 Legal associate |
0 |
3531 |
3531 Estimators, val |
0 |
3532 |
3532 Brokers |
0 |
3533 |
3533 Insurance under |
0 |
3534 |
3534 Finance and inv |
0 |
3535 |
3535 Taxation expert |
0 |
3536 |
3536 Importers and e |
0 |
3537 |
3537 Financial and a |
0 |
3538 |
3538 Financial accou |
0 |
3539 |
3539 Business and re |
0 |
3541 |
3541 Buyers and proc |
0 |
3542 |
3542 Business sales |
0 |
3543 |
3543 Marketing assoc |
0 |
3544 |
3544 Estate agents a |
0 |
3545 |
3545 Sales accounts |
0 |
3546 |
3546 Conference and |
0 |
3550 |
3550 Conservation an |
0 |
3561 |
3561 Public services |
0 |
3562 |
3562 Human resources |
0 |
3563 |
3563 Vocational and |
0 |
3564 |
3564 Careers adviser |
0 |
3565 |
3565 Inspectors of s |
0 |
3567 |
3567 Health and safe |
0 |
4112 |
4112 National govern |
0 |
4113 |
4113 Local governmen |
0 |
4114 |
4114 Officers of non |
0 |
4121 |
4121 Credit controll |
0 |
4122 |
4122 Book-keepers, p |
0 |
4123 |
4123 Bank and post o |
0 |
4124 |
4124 Finance officer |
0 |
4129 |
4129 Financial admin |
0 |
4131 |
4131 Records clerks |
0 |
4132 |
4132 Pensions and in |
0 |
4133 |
4133 Stock control c |
0 |
4134 |
4134 Transport and d |
0 |
4135 |
4135 Library clerks |
0 |
4138 |
4138 Human resources |
0 |
4151 |
4151 Sales administr |
0 |
4159 |
4159 Other administr |
1 |
4161 |
4161 Office managers |
0 |
4162 |
4162 Office supervis |
0 |
4211 |
4211 Medical secreta |
0 |
4212 |
4212 Legal secretari |
0 |
4213 |
4213 School secretar |
0 |
4214 |
4214 Company secreta |
0 |
4215 |
4215 Personal assist |
0 |
4216 |
4216 Receptionists |
0 |
4217 |
4217 Typists and rel |
0 |
5111 |
5111 Farmers |
0 |
5112 |
5112 Horticultural t |
0 |
5113 |
5113 Gardeners and l |
0 |
5114 |
5114 Groundsmen and |
0 |
5119 |
5119 Agricultural an |
0 |
5211 |
5211 Smiths and forg |
0 |
5212 |
5212 Moulders, core |
0 |
5213 |
5213 Sheet metal wor |
0 |
5214 |
5214 Metal plate wor |
0 |
5215 |
5215 Welding trades |
0 |
5216 |
5216 Pipe fitters |
0 |
5221 |
5221 Metal machining |
0 |
5222 |
5222 Tool makers, to |
0 |
5223 |
5223 Metal working p |
0 |
5224 |
5224 Precision instr |
0 |
5225 |
5225 Air-conditionin |
0 |
5231 |
5231 Vehicle technic |
0 |
5232 |
5232 Vehicle body bu |
0 |
5234 |
5234 Vehicle paint t |
0 |
5235 |
5235 Aircraft mainte |
0 |
5236 |
5236 Boat and ship b |
0 |
5237 |
5237 Rail and rollin |
0 |
5241 |
5241 Electricians an |
0 |
5242 |
5242 Telecommunicati |
0 |
5244 |
5244 TV, video and a |
0 |
5245 |
5245 IT engineers |
0 |
5249 |
5249 Electrical and |
0 |
5250 |
5250 Skilled metal, |
0 |
5311 |
5311 Steel erectors |
0 |
5312 |
5312 Bricklayers and |
0 |
5313 |
5313 Roofers, roof t |
0 |
5314 |
5314 Plumbers and he |
0 |
5315 |
5315 Carpenters and |
0 |
5316 |
5316 Glaziers, windo |
0 |
5319 |
5319 Construction an |
0 |
5321 |
5321 Plasterers |
0 |
5322 |
5322 Floorers and wa |
0 |
5323 |
5323 Painters and de |
0 |
5330 |
5330 Construction an |
0 |
5411 |
5411 Weavers and kni |
0 |
5412 |
5412 Upholsterers |
0 |
5413 |
5413 Footwear and le |
0 |
5414 |
5414 Tailors and dre |
0 |
5419 |
5419 Textiles, garme |
0 |
5421 |
5421 Pre-press techn |
0 |
5422 |
5422 Printers |
0 |
5423 |
5423 Print finishing |
0 |
5431 |
5431 Butchers |
0 |
5432 |
5432 Bakers and flou |
0 |
5433 |
5433 Fishmongers and |
0 |
5434 |
5434 Chefs |
0 |
5435 |
5435 Cooks |
0 |
5436 |
5436 Catering and ba |
0 |
5441 |
5441 Glass and ceram |
0 |
5442 |
5442 Furniture maker |
0 |
5443 |
5443 Florists |
0 |
5449 |
5449 Other skilled t |
0 |
6121 |
6121 Nursery nurses |
0 |
6122 |
6122 Childminders an |
0 |
6123 |
6123 Playworkers |
0 |
6125 |
6125 Teaching assist |
0 |
6126 |
6126 Educational sup |
0 |
6131 |
6131 Veterinary nurs |
0 |
6132 |
6132 Pest control of |
0 |
6139 |
6139 Animal care ser |
0 |
6141 |
6141 Nursing auxilia |
0 |
6142 |
6142 Ambulance staff |
0 |
6143 |
6143 Dental nurses |
0 |
6144 |
6144 Houseparents an |
0 |
6145 |
6145 Care workers an |
0 |
6146 |
6146 Senior care wor |
0 |
6147 |
6147 Care escorts |
0 |
6148 |
6148 Undertakers, mo |
0 |
6211 |
6211 Sports and leis |
0 |
6212 |
6212 Travel agents |
0 |
6214 |
6214 Air travel assi |
0 |
6215 |
6215 Rail travel ass |
0 |
6219 |
6219 Leisure and tra |
0 |
6221 |
6221 Hairdressers an |
0 |
6222 |
6222 Beauticians and |
0 |
6231 |
6231 Housekeepers an |
0 |
6232 |
6232 Caretakers |
0 |
6240 |
6240 Cleaning and ho |
0 |
7111 |
7111 Sales and retai |
0 |
7112 |
7112 Retail cashiers |
0 |
7113 |
7113 Telephone sales |
0 |
7114 |
7114 Pharmacy and ot |
0 |
7115 |
7115 Vehicle and par |
0 |
7121 |
7121 Collector sales |
0 |
7122 |
7122 Debt, rent and |
0 |
7123 |
7123 Roundspersons a |
0 |
7124 |
7124 Market and stre |
0 |
7125 |
7125 Merchandisers a |
0 |
7129 |
7129 Sales related o |
0 |
7130 |
7130 Sales superviso |
0 |
7211 |
7211 Call and contac |
0 |
7213 |
7213 Telephonists |
0 |
7214 |
7214 Communication o |
0 |
7215 |
7215 Market research |
0 |
7219 |
7219 Customer servic |
0 |
7220 |
7220 Customer servic |
0 |
8111 |
8111 Food, drink and |
0 |
8112 |
8112 Glass and ceram |
0 |
8113 |
8113 Textile process |
0 |
8114 |
8114 Chemical and re |
0 |
8115 |
8115 Rubber process |
0 |
8116 |
8116 Plastics proces |
0 |
8117 |
8117 Metal making an |
0 |
8118 |
8118 Electroplaters |
0 |
8119 |
8119 Process operati |
0 |
8121 |
8121 Paper and wood |
0 |
8122 |
8122 Coal mine opera |
0 |
8123 |
8123 Quarry workers |
0 |
8124 |
8124 Energy plant op |
0 |
8125 |
8125 Metal working m |
0 |
8126 |
8126 Water and sewer |
0 |
8127 |
8127 Printing machin |
0 |
8129 |
8129 Plant and machi |
0 |
8131 |
8131 Assemblers (ele |
0 |
8132 |
8132 Assemblers (veh |
0 |
8133 |
8133 Routine inspect |
0 |
8134 |
8134 Weighers, grade |
0 |
8135 |
8135 Tyre, exhaust a |
0 |
8137 |
8137 Sewing machinis |
0 |
8139 |
8139 Assemblers and |
0 |
8141 |
8141 Scaffolders, st |
0 |
8142 |
8142 Road constructi |
0 |
8143 |
8143 Rail constructi |
0 |
8149 |
8149 Construction op |
0 |
8211 |
8211 Large goods veh |
0 |
8212 |
8212 Van drivers |
0 |
8213 |
8213 Bus and coach d |
0 |
8214 |
8214 Taxi and cab dr |
0 |
8215 |
8215 Driving instruc |
0 |
8221 |
8221 Crane drivers |
0 |
8222 |
8222 Fork-lift truck |
0 |
8223 |
8223 Agricultural ma |
0 |
8229 |
8229 Mobile machine |
0 |
8231 |
8231 Train and tram |
0 |
8232 |
8232 Marine and wate |
0 |
8233 |
8233 Air transport o |
0 |
8234 |
8234 Rail transport |
0 |
8239 |
8239 Other drivers a |
0 |
9111 |
9111 Farm workers |
0 |
9112 |
9112 Forestry worker |
0 |
9119 |
9119 Fishing and oth |
0 |
9120 |
9120 Elementary cons |
0 |
9132 |
9132 Industrial clea |
0 |
9134 |
9134 Packers, bottle |
0 |
9139 |
9139 Elementary proc |
0 |
9211 |
9211 Postal workers, |
0 |
9219 |
9219 Elementary admi |
0 |
9231 |
9231 Window cleaners |
0 |
9232 |
9232 Street cleaners |
0 |
9233 |
9233 Cleaners and do |
0 |
9234 |
9234 Launderers, dry |
0 |
9235 |
9235 Refuse and salv |
0 |
9236 |
9236 Vehicle valeter |
0 |
9239 |
9239 Elementary clea |
0 |
9241 |
9241 Security guards |
0 |
9242 |
9242 Parking and civ |
0 |
9244 |
9244 School midday a |
0 |
9249 |
9249 Elementary secu |
0 |
9251 |
9251 Shelf fillers |
0 |
9259 |
9259 Elementary sale |
0 |
9260 |
9260 Elementary stor |
0 |
9271 |
9271 Hospital porter |
0 |
9272 |
9272 Kitchen and cat |
0 |
9273 |
9273 Waiters and wai |
0 |
9274 |
9274 Bar staff |
0 |
9275 |
9275 Leisure and the |
0 |
9279 |
9279 Other elementar |
0 |
-9 |
Does not apply |
5667 |
-8 |
No answer |
0 |