
UK Data Service variable record for:

Metropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017

Variable Details

LabelPQ135B1 What would you like the police to do about these issues?: First mention
1 Increased police presence/visibility/accessibility of police 6106
2 Stricter enforcement of laws/zero tolerance 1182
3 Harsher penalties/sentences 244
4 Community engagement/work with the community 291
5 Work with other agencies/organisations 29
6 Increase resources/funding - policing 661
7 Increase resources/funding - other 73
8 Faster police response times 162
9 Increase Safer Neighbourhoods Teams hours/areas patrolled 17
10 Increase police officer 122
11 Increase PCSO powers 2
12 Reduce bureaucracy/paperwork 6
13 More education 82
14 Increase in policing methods/activities 679
15 Tackle causes/drivers of crime 430
16 Target hotspot areas/known offenders 152
17 Make issue a higher priority for the police/government 118
18 Acknowledgement of existing police efforts to tackle issues 44
19 General response to how to deal with problem 129
20 Install monitoring cameras (inc. CCTV) 358
21 More speed cameras 51
995 Other 727
998 Nothing 909
999 Don't know 1943
Sysmiss 11143
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMetropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017