
UK Data Service variable record for:

Metropolitan Police Service User Satisfaction Survey, 2005/06-2016/17

Variable Details

LabelWhat was the nature of this contact?
0 - 8341
1 Stop and account/search 472
2 To report a crime 0
3 General enquiry TO the police 0
4 General enquiry FROM the police 0
5 Suspect/arrested 0
6 Involved in a road traffic collision 0
7 Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting/forum 0
8 Witness to a crime 0
9 To report Anti-Social Behaviour 0
10 Received a newsletter through the door 0
11 Contact with police through my work 0
12 General chat 0
13 I am on a police panel 0
14 Stopped for a road traffic offence 0
15 I was an appropriate adult accompanying a child 0
16 Family member was suspect / arrested 0
17 I took part in a protest / demonstration 0
18 Given crime prevention advice / tools 0
19 Attended speed school 0
20 Handed in lost / stolen property 0
21 Applied for a job with the police 0
22 Involved in another incident (role unspecified) 0
23 To report missing person 0
24 Complaint to the IPCC 0
25 Attended a public meeting 0
90 Other 0
95 Not Answered 0
97 Don't know/can't remember 85
98 Refused 74
99 Not Asked 114202
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMetropolitan Police Service User Satisfaction Survey, 2005/06-2016/17