
UK Data Service variable record for:

Metropolitan Police Service User Satisfaction Survey, 2005/06-2016/17

Variable Details

LabelWhat more could they have done to reassure you?
0 - 0
1 Nothing in particular 0
2 Response time (eg visit quicker, time to answer calls , etc. 0
3 Personal skills/personal service (eg more professional, help 0
4 After incident follow up (eg kept updated/informed, etc.) 0
5 Information provided (eg provide crime prevention advice, et 0
6 Investigation (eg actually visited, collect evidence, etc.) 0
7 Reassurance/protection (eg offer reassurance, protection, et 0
8 Property recovery (eg recover property/vehicle, etc. ) 0
9 Dealt with suspect (eg questioned offender, arrested, etc.) 0
10 Practical help (eg give lift home, called ambulance, etc.) 0
11 Resources/facilities (eg increase presence, stations, staff, 0
12 Incident logging/process (eg provide ref no., record details 0
13 Contact element (eg easier to contact, provide contact detai 0
90 Other 0
95 Not Answered 0
97 Don't know 0
98 Refused 0
99 Not Asked 18819
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMetropolitan Police Service User Satisfaction Survey, 2005/06-2016/17