
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 2010-2011

Variable Details

LabelWhat would encourage you, if anything, to go to museums more often? 07
Question text What would encourage you to go to museums more often? Response 7
1 Exhibition or display of a subject I am interested in 0
2 More activities for children 0
3 Longer opening hours 0
4 Better public transport links/access to transport 0
5 More information about events and exhibitions 1
6 Easier access in/around the building 0
7 If I had more time 2
8 If I had someone to go with 0
9 Special Events such as talks/lectures 4
10 Better facilities e.g. cafe, toilets, parking 7
11 Cheaper admission prices 6
12 Safer neighbourhood 1
13 Other 0
14 Nothing 0
-3 Refused 0
-1 Dont Know 0
Sysmiss 5213
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 2010-2011
Interviewer InstructionsSHOWCARD 16 CODE ALL THAT APPLY
UniversePrivate households in Northern Ireland.;Households;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;The CHS is based on a systematic random sample of 4,500 addresses drawn each year from the Land and Property Services AgencyGÇÖs (LPSA) list of domestic addresses. The LPSA addresses are sorted by district council and ward, so the sample is effectively stratified geographically. Data is collected by personal interview using CAPI, and the interviews are spread equally over the 12 months from April to March.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study; Data are collected annually.