
UK Data Service variable record for:

Annual Population Survey Household Dataset, January - December, 2011

Variable Details

LabelNS-SEC category (SOC2010 based)
1.0 Employers in large organisations 34
10.0 Lower supervisory occupations 529
11.1 Lower technical craft 778
11.2 Lower technical process operative 124
1115 357
1116 78
1121 1543
1122 891
1123 90
1131 1267
1132 837
1133 254
1134 107
1135 693
1136 252
1139 513
1150 457
1161 445
1162 497
1171 135
1172 93
1173 85
1181 346
1184 301
1190 1834
12.1 Semi routine sales 1203
12.2 Semi routine services 1490
12.3 Semi routine technical 289
12.4 Semi routine operative 351
12.5 Semi routine agricultural 62
12.6 Semi routine clerical 335
12.7 Semi routine childcare 130
1211 114
1213 77
1221 403
1223 713
1224 347
1225 289
1226 44
1241 117
1242 373
1251 745
1252 192
1253 161
1254 976
1255 100
1259 1085
13.1 Routine sales and service 573
13.2 Routine production 292
13.3 Routine technical 942
13.4 Routine operative 1119
13.5 Routine agricultural 40
14.1 Never worked 11308
14.2 Long-term unemployed 3418
15.0 Full-time students 18995
16.0 Not classified or inadequately stated 6876
17.0 Not classifiable for other reasons 53744
2.0 Higher managerial occupations 651
2111 129
2112 437
2113 106
2114 97
2119 215
2121 375
2122 441
2123 226
2124 177
2126 373
2127 273
2129 458
2133 831
2134 268
2135 462
2136 1010
2137 223
2139 787
2141 71
2142 198
2150 173
2211 1214
2212 153
2213 299
2214 86
2215 175
2216 73
2217 139
2218 70
2219 206
2221 258
2222 165
2223 67
2229 172
2231 3519
2232 202
2311 637
2312 858
2314 2407
2315 2422
2316 481
2317 647
2318 222
2319 1205
2412 114
2413 534
2419 196
2421 917
2423 783
2424 1141
2425 131
2426 165
2429 218
2431 220
2432 100
2433 216
2434 301
2435 15
2436 289
2442 566
2443 71
2444 278
2449 150
2451 195
2452 68
2461 160
2462 340
2463 66
2471 307
2472 193
2473 103
3.1 Higher professional traditional employee 1354
3.2 Higher professional new employee 886
3.3 Higher professional traditional self emp 297
3.4 Higher professional new self emp 66
3111 416
3112 173
3113 458
3114 119
3115 132
3116 141
3119 197
3121 91
3122 210
3131 558
3132 454
3213 101
3216 25
3217 157
3218 205
3219 272
3231 457
3233 167
3234 298
3235 145
3239 757
3311 294
3312 927
3313 228
3314 247
3315 75
3319 272
3411 210
3412 371
3413 211
3414 91
3415 185
3416 275
3417 326
3421 343
3422 252
3441 75
3442 341
3443 195
3511 31
3512 98
3513 113
3520 304
3531 351
3532 224
3533 155
3534 885
3535 133
3536 32
3537 155
3538 567
3539 698
3541 344
3542 828
3543 745
3544 235
3545 2065
3546 229
3550 68
3561 573
3562 649
3563 998
3564 204
3565 296
3567 296
4.1 Lower professional traditional employee 3378
4.2 Lower professional new employee 394
4.3 Lower professional traditional self emp 386
4.4 Lower professional new self emp 72
4112 1632
4113 1141
4114 339
4121 251
4122 2385
4123 1020
4124 236
4129 944
4131 815
4132 452
4133 533
4134 334
4135 245
4138 187
4151 393
4159 4028
4161 934
4162 251
4211 496
4212 298
4213 477
4214 186
4215 1664
4216 1658
4217 313
5.0 Lower managerial occupations 1316
5111 871
5112 106
5113 895
5114 164
5119 136
5211 31
5212 23
5213 131
5214 74
5215 451
5216 92
5221 391
5222 93
5223 1207
5224 151
5225 94
5231 1030
5232 161
5234 87
5235 184
5236 97
5237 33
5241 1449
5242 294
5244 67
5245 197
5249 415
5250 253
5311 64
5312 478
5313 271
5314 1094
5315 1368
5316 258
5319 1262
5321 357
5322 195
5323 776
5330 430
5411 19
5412 99
5413 35
5414 91
5419 35
5421 40
5422 265
5423 126
5431 247
5432 200
5433 68
5434 1053
5435 716
5436 371
5441 73
5442 303
5443 81
5449 236
6.0 Higher supervisory occupations 511
6121 1075
6122 775
6123 243
6125 1966
6126 709
6131 56
6132 26
6139 294
6141 1791
6142 147
6143 251
6144 278
6145 4865
6146 496
6147 143
6148 123
6211 280
6212 212
6214 219
6215 96
6219 160
6221 1070
6222 364
6231 272
6232 583
6240 468
7.1 Intermediate clerical and administrative 2130
7.2 Intermediate sales and service 1106
7.3 Intermediate technical and auxiliary 452
7.4 Intermediate engineering 124
7111 6653
7112 1526
7113 357
7114 444
7115 154
7121 118
7122 229
7123 143
7124 125
7125 171
7129 344
7130 1034
7211 778
7213 106
7214 179
7215 136
7219 1404
7220 715
8.1 Employers in small orgs non-professional 393
8.2 Employers in small orgs agriculture 53
8111 938
8112 42
8113 88
8114 336
8115 49
8116 203
8117 105
8118 28
8119 114
8121 218
8122 28
8123 80
8124 62
8125 346
8126 55
8127 80
8129 214
8131 276
8132 280
8133 478
8134 98
8135 73
8137 319
8139 277
8141 168
8142 137
8143 56
8149 594
8211 1995
8212 1273
8213 875
8214 1388
8215 235
8221 79
8222 591
8223 57
8229 345
8231 133
8232 53
8233 58
8234 94
8239 148
9.1 Own account workers non professional 1820
9.2 Own account workers agriculture 141
9111 341
9112 71
9119 189
9120 1067
9132 222
9134 1167
9139 565
9211 1077
9219 314
9231 193
9232 113
9233 4452
9234 270
9235 353
9236 148
9239 46
9241 1211
9242 121
9244 869
9249 123
9251 631
9259 167
9260 2555
9271 114
9272 2595
9273 968
9274 1196
9275 106
9279 198
-10 No answer/Does not apply 72881
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationAnnual Population Survey Household Dataset, January - December, 2011