
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, October - December, 2012

Variable Details

LabelComposition of household - post pension
1 1 male 1249
2 1 female 3052
3 1 adult 6077
4 1 adult 3033
5 1 adult 4996
6 Marr couple both und pen age 7276
7 Cohab couple both und pen age 3440
8 Married couple 1+ over pen age 11350
9 Cohab couple 1+ over pen age 669
10 Married couple 6606
11 Married couple 12739
12 Married couple 6586
13 Cohab couple 2298
14 Cohab couple 2404
15 Cohab couple 1414
16 2 ad 2208
17 2 ad 1433
18 2 ad 1634
19 3+ adults 9674
20 3+ ads 6209
21 3+ adults 1311
22 3+ adults no chld 1788
23 3+ adults 1+ chld 512
24 Same sex cohabiting couple 279
25 Same sex Civil Partnership couple 228
-9 Does not apply 0
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, October - December, 2012
UniverseAll persons normally resident in private households in Great Britain and (from 1994) Northern Ireland.;Households;National
SamplingSimple random sample;Four sampling frames are used. See documentation for details.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study; Data are collected quarterly