
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July - December, 2012

Variable Details

LabelOccupation (main job)
1115 1115 Chief executive 48
1116 1116 Elected officer 8
1121 1121 Production mana 212
1122 1122 Production mana 133
1123 1123 Production mana 13
1131 1131 Financial manag 163
1132 1132 Marketing and s 140
1133 1133 Purchasing mana 38
1134 1134 Advertising and 14
1135 1135 Human resource 101
1136 1136 Information tec 39
1139 1139 Functional mana 106
1150 1150 Financial insti 66
1161 1161 Managers and di 56
1162 1162 Managers and di 68
1171 1171 Officers in arm 22
1172 1172 Senior police o 9
1173 1173 Senior officers 17
1181 1181 Health services 35
1184 1184 Social services 47
1190 1190 Managers and di 268
1211 1211 Managers and pr 17
1213 1213 Managers and pr 6
1221 1221 Hotel and accom 38
1223 1223 Restaurant and 69
1224 1224 Publicans and m 24
1225 1225 Leisure and spo 34
1226 1226 Travel agency m 8
1241 1241 Health care pra 26
1242 1242 Residential, da 52
1251 1251 Property, housi 125
1252 1252 Garage managers 30
1253 1253 Hairdressing an 10
1254 1254 Shopkeepers and 101
1255 1255 Waste disposal 7
1259 1259 Managers and pr 180
2111 2111 Chemical scient 21
2112 2112 Biological scie 64
2113 2113 Physical scient 19
2114 2114 Social and huma 6
2119 2119 Natural and soc 31
2121 2121 Civil engineers 50
2122 2122 Mechanical engi 73
2123 2123 Electrical engi 24
2124 2124 Electronics eng 25
2126 2126 Design and deve 60
2127 2127 Production and 25
2129 2129 Engineering pro 69
2133 2133 IT specialist m 149
2134 2134 IT project and 52
2135 2135 IT business ana 77
2136 2136 Programmers and 173
2137 2137 Web design and 41
2139 2139 Information tec 113
2141 2141 Conservation pr 14
2142 2142 Environment pro 34
2150 2150 Research and de 30
2211 2211 Medical practit 194
2212 2212 Psychologists 29
2213 2213 Pharmacists 37
2214 2214 Ophthalmic opti 20
2215 2215 Dental practiti 27
2216 2216 Veterinarians 14
2217 2217 Medical radiogr 16
2218 2218 Podiatrists 3
2219 2219 Health professi 41
2221 2221 Physiotherapist 36
2222 2222 Occupational th 26
2223 2223 Speech and lang 19
2229 2229 Therapy profess 30
2231 2231 Nurses 473
2232 2232 Midwives 35
2311 2311 Higher educatio 125
2312 2312 Further educati 101
2314 2314 Secondary educa 330
2315 2315 Primary and nur 342
2316 2316 Special needs e 51
2317 2317 Senior professi 87
2318 2318 Education advis 25
2319 2319 Teaching and ot 154
2412 2412 Barristers and 19
2413 2413 Solicitors 84
2419 2419 Legal professio 29
2421 2421 Chartered and c 150
2423 2423 Management cons 127
2424 2424 Business and fi 153
2425 2425 Actuaries, econ 27
2426 2426 Business and re 29
2429 2429 Business, resea 30
2431 2431 Architects 29
2432 2432 Town planning o 11
2433 2433 Quantity survey 23
2434 2434 Chartered surve 46
2435 2435 Chartered archi 2
2436 2436 Construction pr 53
2442 2442 Social workers 76
2443 2443 Probation offic 2
2444 2444 Clergy 40
2449 2449 Welfare profess 13
2451 2451 Librarians 26
2452 2452 Archivists and 9
2461 2461 Quality control 18
2462 2462 Quality assuran 53
2463 2463 Environmental h 14
2471 2471 Journalists, ne 50
2472 2472 Public relation 13
2473 2473 Advertising acc 26
3111 3111 Laboratory tech 75
3112 3112 Electrical and 15
3113 3113 Engineering tec 77
3114 3114 Building and ci 9
3115 3115 Quality assuran 18
3116 3116 Planning, proce 30
3119 3119 Science, engine 34
3121 3121 Architectural a 19
3122 3122 Draughtspersons 33
3131 3131 IT operations t 85
3132 3132 IT user support 58
3213 3213 Paramedics 18
3216 3216 Dispensing opti 5
3217 3217 Pharmaceutical 27
3218 3218 Medical and den 24
3219 3219 Health associat 39
3231 3231 Youth and commu 50
3233 3233 Child and early 25
3234 3234 Housing officer 32
3235 3235 Counsellors 26
3239 3239 Welfare and hou 107
3311 3311 NCOs and other 42
3312 3312 Police officers 118
3313 3313 Fire service of 33
3314 3314 Prison service 30
3315 3315 Police communit 19
3319 3319 Protective serv 43
3411 3411 Artists 38
3412 3412 Authors, writer 72
3413 3413 Actors, enterta 26
3414 3414 Dancers and cho 7
3415 3415 Musicians 17
3416 3416 Arts officers, 27
3417 3417 Photographers, 53
3421 3421 Graphic designe 65
3422 3422 Product, clothi 35
3441 3441 Sports players 10
3442 3442 Sports coaches, 45
3443 3443 Fitness instruc 42
3511 3511 Air traffic con 4
3512 3512 Aircraft pilots 11
3513 3513 Ship and hoverc 15
3520 3520 Legal associate 48
3531 3531 Estimators, val 47
3532 3532 Brokers 26
3533 3533 Insurance under 20
3534 3534 Finance and inv 117
3535 3535 Taxation expert 21
3536 3536 Importers and e 10
3537 3537 Financial and a 25
3538 3538 Financial accou 94
3539 3539 Business and re 93
3541 3541 Buyers and proc 47
3542 3542 Business sales 118
3543 3543 Marketing assoc 102
3544 3544 Estate agents a 28
3545 3545 Sales accounts 303
3546 3546 Conference and 38
3550 3550 Conservation an 5
3561 3561 Public services 94
3562 3562 Human resources 73
3563 3563 Vocational and 119
3564 3564 Careers adviser 22
3565 3565 Inspectors of s 43
3567 3567 Health and safe 49
4112 4112 National govern 193
4113 4113 Local governmen 135
4114 4114 Officers of non 57
4121 4121 Credit controll 37
4122 4122 Book-keepers, p 322
4123 4123 Bank and post o 109
4124 4124 Finance officer 32
4129 4129 Financial admin 114
4131 4131 Records clerks 84
4132 4132 Pensions and in 42
4133 4133 Stock control c 62
4134 4134 Transport and d 39
4135 4135 Library clerks 30
4138 4138 Human resources 30
4151 4151 Sales administr 49
4159 4159 Other administr 505
4161 4161 Office managers 128
4162 4162 Office supervis 33
4211 4211 Medical secreta 69
4212 4212 Legal secretari 36
4213 4213 School secretar 58
4214 4214 Company secreta 32
4215 4215 Personal assist 187
4216 4216 Receptionists 201
4217 4217 Typists and rel 18
5111 5111 Farmers 98
5112 5112 Horticultural t 21
5113 5113 Gardeners and l 137
5114 5114 Groundsmen and 18
5119 5119 Agricultural an 8
5211 5211 Smiths and forg 0
5212 5212 Moulders, core 2
5213 5213 Sheet metal wor 16
5214 5214 Metal plate wor 2
5215 5215 Welding trades 44
5216 5216 Pipe fitters 3
5221 5221 Metal machining 28
5222 5222 Tool makers, to 7
5223 5223 Metal working p 131
5224 5224 Precision instr 14
5225 5225 Air-conditionin 9
5231 5231 Vehicle technic 138
5232 5232 Vehicle body bu 16
5234 5234 Vehicle paint t 5
5235 5235 Aircraft mainte 19
5236 5236 Boat and ship b 9
5237 5237 Rail and rollin 2
5241 5241 Electricians an 179
5242 5242 Telecommunicati 49
5244 5244 TV, video and a 13
5245 5245 IT engineers 22
5249 5249 Electrical and 50
5250 5250 Skilled metal, 30
5311 5311 Steel erectors 5
5312 5312 Bricklayers and 44
5313 5313 Roofers, roof t 28
5314 5314 Plumbers and he 104
5315 5315 Carpenters and 159
5316 5316 Glaziers, windo 32
5319 5319 Construction an 169
5321 5321 Plasterers 27
5322 5322 Floorers and wa 21
5323 5323 Painters and de 85
5330 5330 Construction an 40
5411 5411 Weavers and kni 0
5412 5412 Upholsterers 9
5413 5413 Footwear and le 6
5414 5414 Tailors and dre 7
5419 5419 Textiles, garme 4
5421 5421 Pre-press techn 2
5422 5422 Printers 24
5423 5423 Print finishing 16
5431 5431 Butchers 22
5432 5432 Bakers and flou 35
5433 5433 Fishmongers and 3
5434 5434 Chefs 129
5435 5435 Cooks 74
5436 5436 Catering and ba 51
5441 5441 Glass and ceram 16
5442 5442 Furniture maker 27
5443 5443 Florists 4
5449 5449 Other skilled t 37
6121 6121 Nursery nurses 125
6122 6122 Childminders an 76
6123 6123 Playworkers 31
6125 6125 Teaching assist 290
6126 6126 Educational sup 111
6131 6131 Veterinary nurs 7
6132 6132 Pest control of 5
6139 6139 Animal care ser 40
6141 6141 Nursing auxilia 204
6142 6142 Ambulance staff 15
6143 6143 Dental nurses 26
6144 6144 Houseparents an 28
6145 6145 Care workers an 492
6146 6146 Senior care wor 62
6147 6147 Care escorts 16
6148 6148 Undertakers, mo 15
6211 6211 Sports and leis 48
6212 6212 Travel agents 27
6214 6214 Air travel assi 27
6215 6215 Rail travel ass 16
6219 6219 Leisure and tra 13
6221 6221 Hairdressers an 125
6222 6222 Beauticians and 43
6231 6231 Housekeepers an 28
6232 6232 Caretakers 65
6240 6240 Cleaning and ho 51
7111 7111 Sales and retai 795
7112 7112 Retail cashiers 188
7113 7113 Telephone sales 20
7114 7114 Pharmacy and ot 75
7115 7115 Vehicle and par 25
7121 7121 Collector sales 12
7122 7122 Debt, rent and 24
7123 7123 Roundspersons a 13
7124 7124 Market and stre 18
7125 7125 Merchandisers a 16
7129 7129 Sales related o 37
7130 7130 Sales superviso 124
7211 7211 Call and contac 68
7213 7213 Telephonists 11
7214 7214 Communication o 27
7215 7215 Market research 13
7219 7219 Customer servic 173
7220 7220 Customer servic 97
8111 8111 Food, drink and 67
8112 8112 Glass and ceram 8
8113 8113 Textile process 9
8114 8114 Chemical and re 45
8115 8115 Rubber process 7
8116 8116 Plastics proces 24
8117 8117 Metal making an 9
8118 8118 Electroplaters 10
8119 8119 Process operati 13
8121 8121 Paper and wood 23
8122 8122 Coal mine opera 3
8123 8123 Quarry workers 7
8124 8124 Energy plant op 9
8125 8125 Metal working m 33
8126 8126 Water and sewer 7
8127 8127 Printing machin 20
8129 8129 Plant and machi 21
8131 8131 Assemblers (ele 20
8132 8132 Assemblers (veh 34
8133 8133 Routine inspect 51
8134 8134 Weighers, grade 12
8135 8135 Tyre, exhaust a 9
8137 8137 Sewing machinis 26
8139 8139 Assemblers and 32
8141 8141 Scaffolders, st 12
8142 8142 Road constructi 13
8143 8143 Rail constructi 9
8149 8149 Construction op 60
8211 8211 Large goods veh 214
8212 8212 Van drivers 162
8213 8213 Bus and coach d 73
8214 8214 Taxi and cab dr 134
8215 8215 Driving instruc 31
8221 8221 Crane drivers 4
8222 8222 Fork-lift truck 76
8223 8223 Agricultural ma 11
8229 8229 Mobile machine 21
8231 8231 Train and tram 27
8232 8232 Marine and wate 6
8233 8233 Air transport o 9
8234 8234 Rail transport 5
8239 8239 Other drivers a 15
9111 9111 Farm workers 48
9112 9112 Forestry worker 4
9119 9119 Fishing and oth 14
9120 9120 Elementary cons 94
9132 9132 Industrial clea 21
9134 9134 Packers, bottle 103
9139 9139 Elementary proc 52
9211 9211 Postal workers, 127
9219 9219 Elementary admi 32
9231 9231 Window cleaners 23
9232 9232 Street cleaners 7
9233 9233 Cleaners and do 463
9234 9234 Launderers, dry 24
9235 9235 Refuse and salv 36
9236 9236 Vehicle valeter 15
9239 9239 Elementary clea 7
9241 9241 Security guards 131
9242 9242 Parking and civ 7
9244 9244 School midday a 104
9249 9249 Elementary secu 10
9251 9251 Shelf fillers 89
9259 9259 Elementary sale 21
9260 9260 Elementary stor 304
9271 9271 Hospital porter 17
9272 9272 Kitchen and cat 332
9273 9273 Waiters and wai 155
9274 9274 Bar staff 91
9275 9275 Leisure and the 18
9279 9279 Other elementar 20
-9 Does not apply 12670
-8 No answer 7
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July - December, 2012