
UK Data Service variable record for:

Understanding Society: Waves 2-3 Nurse Health Assessment, 2010-2012

Variable Details

Labelinterviewer:final outcome
-9 missing 0
-8 inapplicable 0
-2 refusal 0
-1 don't know 0
0 outstanding 0
46 lost capi household 0
66 mover household 0
71 bhps sample 0
72 ethnic boost sample 0
73 northern ireland sample 0
74 no fully productive w2 interview 0
75 no face-to-face w2 interview 0
76 no w2 interview conducted in english 0
77 household not available at time of selection 19
78 iser instructed not to issue 1
79 outstanding main issue at time of selection 12
81 refusal on behalf on whole household (430) 834
82 all resp not eligible - died (782) 2
83 all resp not eligible - not in uk (783) 3
91 all respondents pregnant 16
92 productive - 1+ nurse schedule 3170
93 no contact with anyone in household 247
94 whole household refusal (to nurse) 451
95 not covered (by nurse) 75
96 whole household moved out of area, address given 6
97 whole household moved, no follow-up address 15
98 unable to locate address (after phoning resp.) 1
99 office refusal (cati 410) 51
995 cati other unproductive 5
996 not issued to cati 272
997 cati refusal hh 1
998 ineligible household - last contacted at wave 1 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnderstanding Society: Waves 2-3 Nurse Health Assessment, 2010-2012