
UK Data Service variable record for:

Commercial Victimisation Survey, 2012

Variable Details

LabelWhich of the following best describes the location where your premises are based?
-1 Don't Know 5
1 A retail park, outside a town or city centre 152
2 An industrial estate, with a retail element 310
3 An industrial estate with no retail element 995
4 A town or city centre 730
5 A main street outside a town or city centre 771
6 A side street outside a town or city centre 458
7 In a village (NEC) 174
8 A rural/coutrysid e area 219
9 An airport 25
10 Coast/River/Por t/Marina 42
11 Shopping centre 9
12 Farm 13
14 Other Answer 119
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationCommercial Victimisation Survey, 2012