
UK Data Service variable record for:

Childcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2011

Variable Details

LabelHow often resp talks to main provider staff about sel child
-9 Refusal 0
-8 Don't Know 9
-6 162
-4 39
-1 N/A 2787
0 No 0
1 Every day/ most days 1068
2 Once or twice a week 958
3 Once a fortnight 273
4 Once every month or 2 months (=half term) 333
5 Once every 3 or 4 months (=term) 174
6 Once every 6 months 66
7 Once every year or less often 33
8 Varies too much to say 152
9 Never 305
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationChildcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2011