
UK Data Service variable record for:

Growing Up in Scotland: Cohort 2, Sweep 1, 2011

Variable Details

LabelMa - Main reason for using ccare Prov 3
1 I could not afford to pay for formal childcare 7
2 It was low cost 5
3 My employer subsidises this childcare 2
4 I could trust this person/these people 79
5 I wanted someone who would show my child affection 16
6 I knew they would bring up my child the same way I would 4
7 I wanted my child to be looked after at home 1
8 It is easy to get to 2
9 I wanted my child to mix with other children 5
10 His/her brother(s)/sister(s) went there 5
11 I wanted someone properly trained to look after my child 2
12 It fitted in with my/my husband/wife/partner's working hours 4
13 I wanted my child to be educated while being looked after 4
14 I wanted reliable arrangements 1
15 It had a good reputation 5
16 It was recommended to me 5
17 I could receive help through Tax Credits with this provider 0
18 No other choices available to me 0
19 Other reason(s) (PLEASE SAY WHAT) 3
-9 Refusal 0
-8 Don't Know 0
-2 Schedule not applicable 0
-1 Item not applicable 5977
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationGrowing Up in Scotland: Cohort 2, Sweep 1, 2011