
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Study Continuous Monitoring Survey, 2008-2010

Variable Details

LabelAnnual Household Income
Question text Could you tell me your total annual household income before any taxes or other deductions?
1 Less than £ 5000 per year 722
2 £5000 to £9999 1821
3 £10 000 to £14 999 2643
4 £15 000 to £19 999 2795
5 £20 000 to £24 999 3012
6 £25 000 to £29 999 2815
7 £30 000 to £39 999 4077
8 £40 000 to £49 999 3038
9 £50 000 or more 4141
11 202
12 101
13 67
14 153
15 1409
98 1
10 Prefer not to say 4944
Sysmiss 2
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Study Continuous Monitoring Survey, 2008-2010
UniverseElectors resident in Great Britain during 2008-2010..;National
SamplingQuota sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study