
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 2011-2012

Variable Details

LabelWhich qualifications you have? 08
Question text Which qualifications, if any, do (you think) you have? Response 8
0 Question not asked 0
1 CSE - Grade 1 0
2 CSE - Grade 2-5 0
3 CSE - ungraded\DK grade 0
4 Junior Certificate 0
5 GCSE - Grades A*-C\GNVQ Intermediate 1
6 GCSE - Grades D-G\GNVQ Foundation 0
7 GCE O-level 1-6 (pre-1975) 0
8 GCE O-level Grades A-C (1975 or after) 0
9 GCE\VCE AS - level 0
10 GCE\VCE A-level\ GNVQ Advanced or equivalent 0
11 Senior Certificate 0
12 Recognised trade apprenticeship complete 0
13 Clerical and commercial qualifications 0
14 NVQ award 1
15 City and Guilds Certificate Part I 0
16 City and Guilds Certificate Part II 1
17 City and Guilds Certificate Part III 0
18 ONC or OND, BEC\TEC general certificate 3
19 HNC or HND, BEC\TEC higher certificate 1
20 Nursing qualifications eg SEN, SRN, SCM 0
21 Nursing degree 0
22 Teaching qualifications 2
23 University\Polytechnic diploma 2
24 University or CNAA First Degree (eg BA BSc) 6
25 University or CNAA Higher Degree (eg MSc PhD) 0
26 First other qualification (inc other school exams) 3
27 Second other qualification 3
28 Third other qualification 3
-3 Refused 0
-1 Dont Know 0
Sysmiss 4404
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 2011-2012
Interviewer InstructionsSHOWCARD (QUALIFICATIONS) CODE ALL THAT APPLY Value 10 should read: GCE/VCE A-level/GNVQ Advanced or equivalent Value 24 should read: University or CNAA First Degree (eg BA BSc) Value 25 should read: University or CNAA Higher) Degree (eg MSc PhD) Value 26 should read: First other qualification (inc other school exams and membership of professional institutions)
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Private households in Northern Ireland.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;The CHS is based on a systematic random sample of addresses drawn each year from the Land and Property Services Agency’s (LPSA) list of domestic addresses. The LPSA addresses are sorted by district council and ward, so the sample is effectively stratified geographically. Data is collected by personal interview using CAPI, and the interviews are spread equally over the 12 months from April to March.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study; Data are collected annually