
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 2012-2013

Variable Details

LabelActions taken for environmental reasons 12
Question text Which, if any, of the following actions have you taken the last 12 months?
0 Question not asked 0
1 Cut down on use of electricity or gas 0
2 Cut down on use of water 0
3 Used public transport or other transport 0
4 Cut down on car for short journeys 0
5 Encouraged wildlife in garden 0
6 Bought items made from recycled material 0
7 Decided not to buy a particular product 0
8 Bought organically produced food 2
9 Used low energy light bulbs in the home 0
10 Avoided food waste 0
11 Reduced the junk mail you receive 0
12 Avoided buying products you throw away 5
13 Reused clothes or furniture 16
14 Reused plastic bags 48
15 Used rechargable batteries 25
16 Used the kerbside collection service 60
17 Bought clothes and items in charity shop 40
18 Used online services to reuse items 52
19 Composted or used a wormery 26
20 Used real nappies 0
21 Reduced waste by giving a gift experience 37
22 Hired tools or borrowed from friends 36
23 Other action 0
-3 Refused 0
-1 Dont Know 0
Sysmiss 2364
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 2012-2013
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Private households in Northern Ireland.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;The CHS is based on a systematic random sample of addresses drawn each year from the Land and Property Services Agency’s (LPSA) list of domestic addresses. The LPSA addresses are sorted by district council and ward, so the sample is effectively stratified geographically. Data is collected by personal interview using CAPI, and the interviews are spread equally over the 12 months from April to March.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study; Data are collected annually