
UK Data Service variable record for:

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Electric Vehicles Module, February 2014 and February 2015

Variable Details

LabelWhat is it about recharging that would put you off?
Question text You said that recharging would put you off buying an electric car or van. What is it about recharging that would put you off?
Avalibaility 1
Avalibility 1
Avalibility of chargeing staions in area & to & from work. 1
Concerned the price of electricity to charge them,also the amount of charging points and time to recharge? 1
Cost 1
Don't know where to charge up 1
Hassle of having to plug it in 1
Having to break journey to recharge 1
IK live in a flat and could not charge 1
Lack of charging points 1
Lack of charging points & capacity of charged vehicle to travel a substantial distance 1
Lack of facilities 1
Lack of facilities and how regularly it has to be done 1
Lack of places to recharge 1
Lack of points 2
Lack of points charge,and grid capacity to manage lots of cars charging. 1
Lack of recharging 1
Lack of recharging points 2
Limited number place 1
Limited range 1
Lives in block of flats - hard to recharge 1
Location/ avaliability of charging points 1
Never seen any recharging points 1
Not many charging stations about. 1
Number of charging points and the time it takes to recharge 1
Number of recharging points in rural areas. 1
Physically doing it - lack of charging facilities. 1
Shortage or recharging facilities available publically 1
The inconveience and lack of recharging points. 1
The inconvenience. 1
Time taken to charge, 1
access 1
access of power supply 1
access to recharging point 1
accessibility 1
accessibility of charging points 1
always wondering if it would run out or not 1
amount of miles I could travel between charges. 1
availability 7
availability and costs 1
availability for charging place 1
availability of charging stations 1
availability of charging outlets 1
availability of charging points 2
availability of charging points in a very rural county 1
availability of charging points, long journey left stranded 1
availability of charging stations 1
availability of public places to recharges 1
availability of recharging 1
availability of recharging and distance travelled 1
availability of recharging locations 1
availability of recharging points and where they,also how far. 1
availabilty of charge points. 1
availabilty of charging points and lenght of time to recharge 1
availablity of charging points 1
availbility 1
be a bit costly 1
big and bulky charging facilities 1
can go far enough and have to stop to recharge 1
can't get enough distance from one charge 1
cant go farenough 1
charging points and distance to travel 1
charging points and length of travel 1
communal parkling - lack of suitable power point 1
compexity for recharging 1
convienience and places to charge 1
cost 3
cost +availability 1
cost and availability of charging points 1
cost batteries 1
cost increase of elec 1
cost of electricity and charging time 1
cost, place to recharge battery (has no drive) 1
cost, where to do it, possibly dangerous to charge in wet weather 1
couldn't be bothered doing it 1
couldnt find a place to plug in 1
difficulty in finding recharging points 1
difficulty infinding charging points 1
distance 1
distance able to travel on charge 1
distance between charges 1
distance between charging stations 2
distance covered 1
distance on the recharging 1
distance to get cagrged none round here 1
distance travel 1
distance travelled 1
doing at a certain point the points are not everywhere 1
don't how how to do it, worry about running out midway through a journey 1
dont have a place to recharging 1
ease of recharging 1
everything 1
expense, availabaility of charging places 1
extra time and effort involved 1
facilities and distance 1
facilities non existent 1
facilities poor locally 1
few charging points in the countryside 1
finding a place to recharge 1
finding charging points 1
finding convenient charging locations 1
finding places to recharge 1
finding places to recharge vehicle 1
finding sockets 1
finding somewher 1
finding somewhere to charge up in middle of knowhere 1
flexibility and finding a recharge point 1
forget to charge when finished at end of day 1
frequency 1
frequency an d length of running 1
frequency and longuivety. 1
frightened off running out of charge 1
getting stuck with flat battery 1
have to find an socket 1
have to wait around whilst it's charging 1
how many chargeing points 1
how soon i would have to charge between journeys 1
if I didn't have any point to plug into at home or outside 1
if it was not charged enough run out on way 1
inconvenience 1
inconvenience in parking at recharging 1
inconvenience of having to park car miles away 1
inconvenience of recharge points 1
inconvenience, if electricity comes from coal fired power stations , then there is no gain 1
inconvenient 1
inconvenient not sufficient charging sites 1
inconvienient 1
it might run out 1
it would be the duration of which it takes to recharge - if battery runs out it will be of no use 1
its the cost of the elecricity 1
just aren't any places nearby to recharge at all 1
knowing where to do it and how long it would last - 1
knowing where to get it recharged 1
knowledge of where to charge vehicle 1
lack facilities and distance 1
lack facilities and length of time 1
lack of 1
lack of availability and range of miles between charges 1
lack of available power sources 1
lack of charg points 1
lack of charging 2
lack of charging / no drive at home 1
lack of charging facilities 1
lack of charging points 4
lack of charging points and not enough range from one charge 1
lack of charging station 1
lack of facilities 3
lack of facilities in locality 1
lack of facilities to recharge 1
lack of infrastucture and cost 1
lack of knowledge 1
lack of knowledge about charging points 1
lack of knowledge as how to recharge 1
lack of places around here to recharge 1
lack of places to do charging 1
lack of places to re charge 1
lack of places to recharge, how long the car actually goes on a charge 1
lack of points 4
lack of points, running out 1
lack of recharging points 3
lack off points 1
length of time 2
length of time to recharge and availability of charging points 1
limited amount of recharging points 1
limited availability 1
limited number of places to charge an electric vehicle,limited range milage wise (battery life) 1
living where i do cannot always park close to house 1
location of points and distance involved. 1
location- availability 1
longer than filling with petrol - need extension lead at home 1
longevity of battery life 1
meter 1
need a car for job and work remote and would be concerned about charging point 1
never seen any charging points 1
no [laces to recharge in 30 mile radius 1
no access at work, travel distance, nowhere to recharge nearby 1
no charging points 1
no facilities 2
no facilities for charging locally 1
no facilities locally 1
no idea where they would be 1
no places to charge 1
no places to recharge 1
no places to recharge in the vicinity 1
no ploaces to rechatge or facilities 1
no recharge points 1
no recharging points,when needed. 1
no t enough points 1
no where around here to plug into 1
no where to charge it in this area 1
no where to charge it up. 1
no where to charge them 1
no where to plug in 1
not as many rehcarge points, not sure if any near me 1
not enough charge points 1
not enough charge stations 1
not enough chargers in norfolk 1
not enough charging facilities 1
not enough charging facilities around 1
not enough charging oints, I think there's one near where my husband works but noth otherwise 1
not enough charging points 2
not enough charging points in norfolk 1
not enough charging positions/ networks. not enough education about product 1
not enough charging stations 2
not enough places to do it 1
not enough places to plug in 1
not enough places to recharge 1
not enough points 5
not enough points and range 1
not enough points to recharge time to regharge is to long 1
not enough points, length of journey per charge 1
not enough power points 1
not enough recharge points 1
not enough recharging points 1
not enought charging points 1
not enought places 1
not enought points to rechange 1
not finding to recharge 1
not having availability 1
not knowing where or how to recharge 1
not many charging points in locale 1
not many places to recharge 1
not many recharge points-how long does it go-needs to have good number of miles as drives alot for job 1
not sure recharging locally available 1
not that many places to charge 1
nowhere in this area to charge it 1
nowhere to do it 1
nowhere to do it is there 1
nowhere to plug in 1
nowhere to put it 1
number of charging points 1
number of points and length of travel 1
only one point around here to use 1
poor availability of charging/takes too long/seen top gear 1
range and availbilty of recharge 1
range on one charge 1
range/not enough charge points 1
recharge points not readily available 1
recharging 2
recharging of car 1
recharging place has to be available 1
recharging points - where would you find them? 1
recharging points, not enough, cost? 1
recharging time 1
reliabilty of batteries 1
remembering to recharge it up 1
running out of charge and where to go for next charge 1
running out power lack of charge points, then have to wait for it to charge up 1
rural area with no recharging facilities 1
seems too inconvenient 1
takes too long to recharge 1
testing stage not reliable lack of facilities 1
the amount of infurstructure charge point other than the ones at home workk supermarkets 1
the availability of facilities 1
the availability of places to recharge and the time to recharge 1
the length of time and planning journey 1
the places of availability and how long it will take to recharge it. 1
the range is a problem,as travel long distances. 1
the time it would take and maybe forgetting to charge it and then not being able to use it 1
the time it would take-i might have to lug something out to the car to plug it in-not physically able with hip at moment 1
ther's only one place in this vicinity to recharge and that's in Ayr 1
there are no charging points 1
there are not enough recharging points 1
there is nowhere nearby to recharge 1
time 2
time & facility 1
time and effort 1
time and hassle 1
time and inconvenience 1
time involved and facilities to recharge 1
time limit on charge 1
time taken 2
time taken /places to do/elec env benefit? 1
time taken and convenience 1
time time taken 1
time to recharge 1
time/access/safety 1
timing and planning 1
too far away don't know where they are 1
too much hassle 1
travel a lot 1
trying find a charging point outside of london 1
waiting for charging to be done 1
where can you recharge?how often req 1
where the recharge points are, if you'd run out of charge before journey completed 1
where to get charged 1
where to charge-no where in town? 1
where to do it 1
where to go for it 1
where you could recharge and what happens if you run out of charge on a journey 1
worried about the limited places to recharge your vehicle 1
would there be any oplace local to charge 1
wouldn't know where or how to do it 1
wouldn't know where or how to recharge car 1
wouldn't know where to go for it and how long would i have to wait 1
you couldn't do a long journey without recharging and there's no information about where to charge an electric car 1
you would have to find a place to charge it up 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOpinions and Lifestyle Survey, Electric Vehicles Module, February 2014 and February 2015
Interviewer InstructionsDo not prompt.
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Adults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study;monthly (up to year 2000), eight cycles per year (up to April 2005), monthly thereafter. From April 2014, reverted back to eight cycles per year.