
UK Data Service variable record for:

Crime Survey for England and Wales, 2013-2014

Variable Details

LabelWhich of these have you MOSTLY used to access the internet in the last 12 months
1 Desktop computer (at home or work or school/college) 1721
2 Laptop, at home or work or school/college 2497
3 Laptop, away from home and work or school/college 163
4 Mobile phone or Smartphone 1453
5 Handheld computer 630
6 Games console 28
7 Digital TV 11
8 Public access computer (e.g. In a library, internet cafe) 32
9 Other device 13
98 Refusal 1
99 Don't know 34
Sysmiss 28788
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationCrime Survey for England and Wales, 2013-2014