
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, October 2013 - December 2014

Variable Details

LabelIndustry class in main job (4 digits)
111 01.11 Growing of cereals, except rice 3
112 01.12 Growing of rice 0
113 01.13 Grwng veg and melons, roots and tubers 0
114 01.14 Growing of sugar cane 0
115 01.15 Growing of tobacco 0
116 01.16 Growing of fibre crops 0
119 01.19 Grwing of othr non-perennial crops 0
121 01.21 Growing of grapes 0
122 01.22 Grwing of trop and subtrpical fruits 0
123 01.23 Growing of citrus fruits 0
124 01.24 Grwng of pome fruits and stone fruit 0
125 01.25 Grwng othr tree, bush fruit and nuts 0
126 01.26 Growing of oleaginous fruits 0
127 01.27 Growing of beverage crops 0
128 01.28 Grwing spices, drug and pharm crops 1
129 01.29 Growing of other perennial crops 0
130 01.30 Plant propagation 2
141 01.41 Raising of dairy cattle 10
142 01.42 Raising other cattle and buffaloes 3
143 01.43 Raising horses and other equines 3
144 01.44 Raising of camels and camelids 0
145 01.45 Raising of sheep and goats 2
146 01.46 Raising of swinepigs 0
147 01.47 Raising of poultry 1
149 01.49 Raising of other animals 0
150 01.50 Mixed farming 16
161 01.61 Support activs for crop production 5
162 01.62 Support activities for animal prod 2
163 01.63 Post-harvest crop activities 0
164 01.64 Post-harvest crop activities 0
170 01.70 Hunting, trappng and reltd serv actv 0
210 02.10 Silviculture and other forestry actv 0
220 02.20 Logging 1
230 02.30 Gathring wild grwing non-wood prod 0
240 02.40 Support services to forestry 0
311 03.11 Marine fishing 0
312 03.12 Freshwater fishing 0
321 03.21 Marine aquaculture 0
322 03.22 Freshwater aquaculture 0
510 05.10 Mining of hard coal 1
520 05.20 Mining of lignite 0
610 06.10 Extraction of crude petroleum 3
620 06.20 Extraction of natural gas 0
710 07.10 Mining of iron ores 0
721 07.21 Mining of uranium and thorium ores 0
729 07.29 Mining othr non-ferrous metal ores 0
811 08.11 Quarry ornamental and building stone 0
812 08.12 Operation of gravel and sand pits 1
891 08.91 Mining chem and fertiliser minerals 0
892 08.92 Extraction of peat 0
893 08.93 Extraction of salt 0
899 08.99 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 0
910 09.10 Supp actv petrol and nat gas extracn 12
990 09.90 Supp actv other mining and quarrying 0
1011 10.11 Processing and preserving of meat 4
1012 10.12 Proc and preserving of poultry meat 1
1013 10.13 Productn meat and poultry meat prod 5
1020 10.20 Proc fish, crustaceans and molluscs 1
1031 10.31 Proc and preserving of potatoes 2
1032 10.32 Manu of fruit and vegetable juice 0
1039 10.39 Other proc and presvg of fruit and veg 3
1041 10.41 Manufacture of oils and fats 0
1042 10.42 Manu margarine and sim edible fats 0
1051 10.51 Operation dairies and cheese making 2
1052 10.52 Manufacture of ice cream 0
1061 10.61 Manufacture of grain mill products 2
1062 10.62 Manu of starches and starch products 0
1071 10.71 Man bread, fresh pastry gds and cake 7
1072 10.72 Man ruskbiscpres pastry gdscake 1
1073 10.73 Man mac, nood, couscous and sim prod 0
1081 10.81 Manufacture of sugar 1
1082 10.82 Man cocoa, chocolate and sugar conf 3
1083 10.83 Processing of tea and coffee 1
1084 10.84 Manu of condiments and seasonings 0
1085 10.85 Manu of prepared meals and dishes 0
1086 10.86 Man homogen food preps and diet food 0
1089 10.89 Manu other food products n.e.c. 2
1091 10.91 Manu preprd feeds for farm animals 0
1092 10.92 Manufacture of prepared pet foods 1
1101 11.01 Distil, rectifyg and blending spirit 1
1102 11.02 Manufacture of wine from grape 0
1103 11.03 Manuf of cider and other fruit wines 0
1104 11.04 Man other non-distil fermentd bev 0
1105 11.05 Manufacture of beer 1
1106 11.06 Manufacture of malt 0
1107 11.07 Manu soft drinks and mineral waters 1
1200 12.00 Manufacture of tobacco products 0
1310 13.10 Prep and spinning of textile fibres 0
1320 13.20 Weaving of textiles 0
1330 13.30 Finishing of textiles 1
1391 13.91 Manu knitted and crocheted fabrics 0
1392 13.92 Man made-up textile art, exc appl 4
1393 13.93 Manufacture of carpets and rugs 3
1394 13.94 Man cordage, rope, twine and netting 0
1395 13.95 Man non-woven and assoc art, ex appl 0
1396 13.96 Manuf of other tech and ind textiles 2
1399 13.99 Manufacture other textiles n.e.c. 0
1411 14.11 Manufacture of leather clothes 0
1412 14.12 Manufacture of workwear 0
1413 14.13 Manufacture of other outerwear 5
1414 14.14 Manufacture of underwear 0
1419 14.19 Manu other wearing apprl and acces 1
1420 14.20 Manufacture of articles of fur 0
1431 14.31 Manu knitted and crocheted hosiery 0
1439 14.39 Man other knitted and crocheted appl 0
1511 15.11 Tanning, dressing, dye leathrfur 0
1512 15.12 Man lug, hndbgs, sddlry and harness 0
1520 15.20 Manufacture of footwear 0
1610 16.10 Sawmilling and planing of wood 2
1621 16.21 Man ven sheets and wood-based panels 0
1622 16.22 Manuf of assembled parquet floors 0
1623 16.23 Manu of other builders 4
1624 16.24 Manufacture of wooden containers 0
1629 16.29 Man oth prod wood and plaiting mat 3
1711 17.11 Manufacture of pulp 0
1712 17.12 Manuf of paper and paperboard 4
1721 17.21 Man and cont corrgatd pper and pperbrd 0
1722 17.22 Manu of hhold and sanittoilet goods 0
1723 17.23 Manufacture of paper stationery 1
1724 17.24 Manufacture of wallpaper 0
1729 17.29 Man othr art of ppr and pprbd n.e.c. 1
1811 18.11 Printing of newspapers 0
1812 18.12 Other printing 15
1813 18.13 Pre-press and pre-media services 1
1814 18.14 Binding and related services 2
1820 18.20 Reproduction of recorded media 1
1910 19.10 Manufacture of coke oven products 0
1920 19.20 Manu of refined petroleum prod 5
2011 20.11 Manufacture of industrial gases 0
2012 20.12 Manufacture of dyes and pigments 1
2013 20.13 Manu other inorganic basic chem 8
2014 20.14 Manuf of other organic basic chem 3
2015 20.15 Man fertilisers and nitro compounds 0
2016 20.16 Manuf of plastics in primary forms 0
2017 20.17 Manu synth rubber in primary forms 0
2020 20.20 Manu of pest and other agrochem prod 2
2030 20.30 Manu of paints and related products 2
2041 20.41 Man soap and detgts clean and pol prep 1
2042 20.42 Man perfumes and toilet preparations 0
2051 20.51 Manufacture of explosives 0
2052 20.52 Manufacture of glues 0
2053 20.53 Manufacture of essential oils 0
2059 20.59 Manu of other chemical prod n.e.c. 2
2060 20.60 Manufacture of man-made fibres 0
2110 21.10 Manuf of basic pharmaceutical prod 9
2120 21.20 Man of pharmaceutical preparations 14
2211 22.11 Manu, retread of rub tyres and tubes 1
2219 22.19 Manuf of other rubber products 1
2221 22.21 Man plastic plates, sheets, tubes 1
2222 22.22 Manuf of plastic packing goods 3
2223 22.23 Manuf of builders ware of plastic 4
2229 22.29 Manuf of other plastic products 2
2311 23.11 Manufacture of flat glass 0
2312 23.12 Shaping and procesng of flat glass 2
2313 23.13 Manufacture of hollow glass 1
2314 23.14 Manufacture of glass fibres 1
2319 23.19 Man and proc oth glas, inc tech glas 0
2320 23.20 Manufacture of refractory products 0
2331 23.31 Manuf of ceramic tiles and flags 0
2332 23.32 Man bricks, tiles and constr prod 2
2341 23.41 Man ceramic hhold and ornm artcls 0
2342 23.42 Manuf of ceramic sanitary fixtures 0
2343 23.43 Manu of ceramic inslts and inslg fit 1
2344 23.44 Man othr technical ceramic prod 1
2349 23.49 Manuf of other ceramic products 1
2351 23.51 Manufacture of cement 0
2352 23.52 Manufacture of lime and plaster 0
2361 23.61 Man conc prod for constrcn purp 2
2362 23.62 Man plaster prod for constrcn purp 0
2363 23.63 Manufof ready-mixed concrete 0
2364 23.64 Manufacture of mortars 0
2365 23.65 Manufacture of fibre cement 0
2369 23.69 Man othr art of conc, plstr and cmnt 0
2370 23.70 Cutting, shaping and finishing stone 1
2391 23.91 Production of abrasive products 0
2399 23.99 Man othr non-met min prod n.e.c. 2
2410 24.10 Man basic iron, steel and ferro-ally 4
2420 24.20 Man holow prof and rltd fit of steel 0
2431 24.31 Cold drawing of bars 0
2432 24.32 Cold rolling of narrow strip 0
2433 24.33 Cold forming or folding 2
2434 24.34 Cold drawing of wire 0
2441 24.41 Precious metals production 0
2442 24.42 Aluminium production 1
2443 24.43 Lead, zinc and tin production 0
2444 24.44 Copper production 0
2445 24.45 Other non-ferrous metal production 0
2446 24.46 Processing of nuclear fuel 0
2451 24.51 Casting of iron 0
2452 24.52 Casting of steel 1
2453 24.53 Casting of light metals 0
2454 24.54 Casting of othr non-ferrous metals 0
2511 25.11 Man met structs and parts of structs 5
2512 25.12 Manu doors and windows of metal 1
2521 25.21 Manu cent heating radiators and boil 0
2529 25.29 Man oth tnks, resvrs and cont of met 1
2530 25.30 Manu of steam gen, exc CH boilers 2
2540 25.40 Manuf of weapons and ammunition 2
2550 25.50 Forg, press, stamp and roll-form met 0
2561 25.61 Treatment and coating of metals 0
2562 25.62 Machining 7
2571 25.71 Manufacture of cutlery 0
2572 25.72 Manufacture of locks and hinges 1
2573 25.73 Manufacture of tools 4
2591 25.91 Man steel drums and sim containers 0
2592 25.92 Manuf of light metal packaging 1
2593 25.93 Man of wire prods, chain and springs 0
2594 25.94 Man of fasteners and screw mchn prod 2
2599 25.99 Man other fabr metal prod n.e.c. 5
2611 26.11 Manufof electronic components 8
2612 26.12 Manuf of loaded electronic boards 0
2620 26.20 Manuf computers and peripheral eqmt 8
2630 26.30 Manuf of communication equipment 0
2640 26.40 Manuf of consumer electronics 1
2651 26.51 Man instr for meas, testing and nav 11
2652 26.52 Manufacture of watches and clocks 0
2660 26.60 Man irradiation and electromed eqmt 0
2670 26.70 Man opt instruments and photo eqmt 0
2680 26.80 Manu magnetic and optical media 0
2711 27.11 Manu of elect motors, gen and transf 2
2712 27.12 Man elctrcty dist and cont apparatus 0
2720 27.20 Manu batteries and accumulators 0
2731 27.31 Manufacture of fibre optic cables 0
2732 27.32 Man oth elctrnc and elec wirescable 3
2733 27.33 Manufacture of wiring devices 2
2740 27.40 Manu electric lighting equipment 0
2751 27.51 Manu electric domestic appliances 1
2752 27.52 Manu of non-electric domestic appl 0
2790 27.90 Manu of other electrical eqmt 0
2811 28.11 Man eng and turb, ex airvehcyc eng 1
2812 28.12 Manuf of fluid power equipment 2
2813 28.13 Man other pumps and compressors 1
2814 28.14 Manuf of other taps and valves 2
2815 28.15 Man bear, gear, grng and drvng elmnt 1
2821 28.21 Man ovens, furnaces and furnace burn 2
2822 28.22 Manu lifting and handling equipment 1
2823 28.23 Man off mchn and eqmt exc PC and acc 0
2824 28.24 Manuf of power-driven hand tools 0
2825 28.25 Man non-dom cooling and ventiln eqmt 0
2829 28.29 Man other gen-purp machinry n.e.c. 5
2830 28.30 Man agricultural and forestry mchnry 1
2841 28.41 Manuf of metal forming machinery 0
2849 28.49 Manufacture of other machine tools 0
2891 28.91 Manuf of machinery for metallurgy 0
2892 28.92 Man mchnry for mng, quarr and constr 2
2893 28.93 Man mcnry for food, bev and tob proc 3
2894 28.94 Man mchn for txt, app and lethr prod 1
2895 28.95 Man mchnry for pper and pperbrd prod 0
2896 28.96 Man plastics and rubber machinery 0
2899 28.99 Man othr spec-purp mchnry n.e.c. 1
2910 29.10 Manufacture of motor vehicles 5
2920 29.20 Man bodies for motor veh and trailer 0
2931 29.31 Man of electric eqmt for motor veh 2
2932 29.32 Man othr parts and acc for motor veh 6
3011 30.11 Buildng of ships and floating struct 4
3012 30.12 Buildng pleasure and sportng boats 0
3020 30.20 Manu railway loco and rolling stock 6
3030 30.30 Manu air and spacecraft and rel mchnry 15
3040 30.40 Manuf military fighting vehicles 0
3091 30.91 Manufacture of motorcycles 0
3092 30.92 Manu bicycles and invalid carriages 0
3099 30.99 Manu other transport eqmt n.e.c. 0
3101 31.01 Manuf of office and shop furniture 3
3102 31.02 Manufacture of kitchen furniture 0
3103 31.03 Manufacture of mattresses 1
3109 31.09 Manufacture of other furniture 5
3211 32.11 Striking of coins 0
3212 32.12 Manu jewellery and related articles 0
3213 32.13 Man imitation jewellery and rltd art 1
3220 32.20 Manufacture of musical instruments 2
3230 32.30 Manufacture of sports goods 2
3240 32.40 Manufacture of games and toys 2
3250 32.50 Man med and dental instruments and sup 7
3291 32.91 Manufacture of brooms and brushes 0
3299 32.99 Other manufacturing n.e.c. 0
3311 33.11 Repair of fabricated metal prodts 2
3312 33.12 Repair of machinery 7
3313 33.13 Repair of electrnc and optical eqmt 2
3314 33.14 Repair of electrical equipment 4
3315 33.15 Repair and maintenance ships and boats 0
3316 33.16 Repair and main aircraft and spacecrft 5
3317 33.17 Repair and main trnsport eqmt n.e.c. 1
3319 33.19 Repair of other equipment 1
3320 33.20 Installation ind mchnry and equipmnt 8
3511 35.11 Production of electricity 8
3512 35.12 Transmission of electricity 1
3513 35.13 Distribution of electricity 1
3514 35.14 Trade of electricity 2
3521 35.21 Manufacture of gas 1
3522 35.22 Dist of gaseous fuels thrgh mains 3
3523 35.23 Trade of gas through mains 0
3530 35.30 Steam and air conditioning supply 0
3600 36.00 Water collction, treatmnt and supply 9
3700 37.00 Sewerage 0
3811 38.11 Collection of non-hazardous waste 5
3812 38.12 Collection of hazardous waste 0
3821 38.21 Treatmnt and disp of non-hazrd waste 6
3822 38.22 Treatmnt and disp of hazrdous waste 0
3831 38.31 Dismantling of wrecks 0
3832 38.32 Recovery of sorted materials 1
3900 39.00 Remdiatn actv and oth wste mgmt serv 1
4110 41.10 Development of building projects 10
4120 41.20 Constr of res and non-res buildngs 62
4211 42.11 Construction of roads and motrways 9
4212 42.12 Constr railwys and undgrnd railwys 3
4213 42.13 Constructn of bridges and tunnels 0
4221 42.21 Constr of utility proj for fluids 1
4222 42.22 Constr util proj for elec and telcom 1
4291 42.91 Construction of water projects 1
4299 42.99 Constr other civil eng proj n.e.c. 23
4311 43.11 Demolition 1
4312 43.12 Site preparation 0
4313 43.13 Test drilling and boring 1
4321 43.21 Electrical installation 9
4322 43.22 Plumbng, heat and air-con installatn 16
4329 43.29 Other construction installation 5
4331 43.31 Plastering 1
4332 43.32 Joinery installation 17
4333 43.33 Floor and wall covering 3
4334 43.34 Painting and glazing 15
4339 43.39 Othr buildng completn and finishing 6
4391 43.91 Roofing activities 3
4399 43.99 Othr specsd constr actv n.e.c. 10
4511 45.11 Sale of cars and light motor vehles 10
4519 45.19 Sale of other motor vehicles 0
4520 45.20 Maintenance and repair motor vehles 23
4531 45.31 Wsale trade motor veh parts and acc 2
4532 45.32 Ret trade of motor veh parts and acc 8
4540 45.40 Sale, main, rep mtrcycle and rel prt 1
4611 46.11 Agnts inv in sale of agri raw mat 1
4612 46.12 Agnts inv sale fuelmetind chem 1
4613 46.13 Agnts inv in sale timb and bldng mat 1
4614 46.14 Agnts inv sale ind eqmtshipsairc 1
4615 46.15 Agnts inv sale hhold gdsironmngry 0
4616 46.16 Agnts inv sale text and lether goods 0
4617 46.17 Agnts inv in sale food, bev and tob 0
4618 46.18 Agnts specsd sale othr part prod 4
4619 46.19 Agents inv in sale variety goods 0
4621 46.21 Wsale grainuman tobseedsanml fd 0
4622 46.22 Wholesale of flowers and plants 0
4623 46.23 Wholesale of live animals 0
4624 46.24 Wsale of hides, skins and leather 0
4631 46.31 Wholesale of fruit and vegetables 2
4632 46.32 Whlesale of meat and meat products 1
4633 46.33 Wsale dairy prod, edible oilsfats 8
4634 46.34 Wholesale of beverages 1
4635 46.35 Wholesale of tobacco products 0
4636 46.36 Wsale of sugar and choc and sugar conf 1
4637 46.37 Wsale coffee, tea, cocoa and spices 0
4638 46.38 Wsale of oth food, inc seafood 4
4639 46.39 Non-spec wsale of food, bev and tob 7
4641 46.41 Wholesale of textiles 1
4642 46.42 Wholesale of clothing and footwear 4
4643 46.43 Wsale of electrical household appl 4
4644 46.44 Wsale china and glasswre and clean mat 0
4645 46.45 Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics 0
4646 46.46 Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 0
4647 46.47 Wsale furn, carpts and lightng eqmt 1
4648 46.48 Wholesale of watches and jewellery 0
4649 46.49 Wholesale of other household goods 2
4651 46.51 Wsale comp, comp perp eqmt and sftwr 0
4652 46.52 Wsale elctrnc and telecom eqmt and prt 0
4661 46.61 Wsale of agric mchnry, eqmt and supp 0
4662 46.62 Wholesale of machine tools 0
4663 46.63 Wsale mining, cons and civ eng mcnry 2
4664 46.64 Wsale of mchnry for textile ind 0
4665 46.65 Wholesale of office furniture 0
4666 46.66 Wsale of other off machinry and eqmt 1
4669 46.69 Wsale of other machinery and eqmt 7
4671 46.71 Wsale solliqgas fuel and rltd prod 2
4672 46.72 Wholesale of metals and metal ores 1
4673 46.73 Wsale wood, constr mat and san eqmt 1
4674 46.74 Wholesale of DIY eqmt and supp 8
4675 46.75 Wholesale of chemical products 5
4676 46.76 Wsale of other intermediate prod 0
4677 46.77 Wholesale of waste and scrap 0
4690 46.90 Non-specialised wholesale trade 3
4711 47.11 Ret sale non-spec str foodbevtob 105
4719 47.19 Oth ret sale in non-spec stores 21
4721 47.21 Ret sale fruit and veg in spec store 1
4722 47.22 Ret sale meat and rel prod spec strs 6
4723 47.23 Ret sale of seafood in spec stores 1
4724 47.24 Ret sale of bakery prod spec stres 5
4725 47.25 Ret sale of bev in spec stores 0
4726 47.26 Ret sale of tob prod in spec stres 0
4729 47.29 Othr ret sale of food in spec strs 3
4730 47.30 Ret sale of auto fuel in spec strs 3
4741 47.41 Ret sale PC eqmt and acc spec strs 3
4742 47.42 Ret sale of telcom eqp spec store 1
4743 47.43 Ret sale aud and vid eqmt spec strs 1
4751 47.51 Ret sale of text in specsd stores 3
4752 47.52 Ret sale hardware eqmt spec strs 7
4753 47.53 Ret sale of dr eqmt spec stores 1
4754 47.54 Ret sale of white goods spec stres 3
4759 47.59 Ret sale of fixfit in spec strs 9
4761 47.61 Ret sale of books in specsd stores 0
4762 47.62 Ret sale newsp and stat in spec strs 4
4763 47.63 Ret sale mus and vid rec spec strs 0
4764 47.64 Ret sale of sprt eqmt in spec strs 4
4765 47.65 Ret sale of games and toys spec stre 3
4771 47.71 Ret sale of clothing in spec stres 19
4772 47.72 Ret sale ftwr and lthr gds spec strs 2
4773 47.73 Disp chemist in specsd stores 21
4774 47.74 Ret sale of med eqmt in spec stres 1
4775 47.75 Ret sale cos and toltries spec strs 2
4776 47.76 Ret sale flwrs and pets in spec strs 13
4777 47.77 Ret sale jewlry items in spec strs 4
4778 47.78 Oth ret sale new gds in spec strs 12
4779 47.79 Ret sale of secnd-hnd goods in str 3
4781 47.81 Ret sale; stlls and mrkt fd,bev,tobc 2
4782 47.82 Ret sale; stlls and mrkt clthg, ftwr 0
4789 47.89 Ret sale via stalls and mrkt oth gds 0
4791 47.91 Ret sale mail order houses, intrnt 7
4799 47.99 Othr ret sale exc stores etc 4
4910 49.10 Passngr rail transport, interurban 5
4920 49.20 Freight rail transport 0
4931 49.31 Urban and sub passngr land transport 28
4932 49.32 Taxi operation 25
4939 49.39 Other passngr land transprt n.e.c. 2
4941 49.41 Freight transport by road 29
4942 49.42 Removal services 3
4950 49.50 Transport via pipeline 1
5010 50.10 Sea and coastal pass water transport 1
5020 50.20 Sea and coastal freight watr trnsprt 0
5030 50.30 Inland passenger water transport 1
5040 50.40 Inland freight water transport 0
5110 51.10 Passenger air transport 2
5121 51.21 Freight air transport 0
5122 51.22 Space transport 0
5210 52.10 Warehousing and storage 11
5221 52.21 Serv actv incidental to land trans 9
5222 52.22 Serv actv incidental to wter trans 1
5223 52.23 Serv actv incidental to air trans 7
5224 52.24 Cargo handling 2
5229 52.29 Other transportation supp acts 4
5310 53.10 Post actv under univesl serv oblig 31
5320 53.20 Other postal and courier acts 16
5510 55.10 Hotels and similar accommodation 15
5520 55.20 Holiday and other short stay accom 8
5530 55.30 Cmpg grnd, rec veh prk and trail prk 0
5590 55.90 Other accommodation 1
5610 56.10 Restnt and mobile food servc actv 43
5621 56.21 Event catering activities 13
5629 56.29 Other food service activities 1
5630 56.30 Beverage serving activities 15
5811 58.11 Book publishing 5
5812 58.12 Publ of directs and mailing lists 0
5813 58.13 Publishing of newspapers 3
5814 58.14 Publishng of journls and periodicls 7
5819 58.19 Other publishing activities 3
5821 58.21 Publishing of computer games 1
5829 58.29 Other software publishing 0
5911 59.11 Motn pic, vid and tv prog prod actv 7
5912 59.12 Motn pic, vid and tv prog po-pro act 0
5913 59.13 Motn pic, vid and tv prog dist actv 2
5914 59.14 Motn picture projection activities 1
5920 59.20 Sound recording and music publ actv 2
6010 60.10 Radio broadcasting 1
6020 60.20 Tv programming and broadcasting actv 0
6110 61.10 Wired telecomtions activities 7
6120 61.20 Wireless telecomtions activities 11
6130 61.30 Satellite telecoms activities 1
6190 61.90 Other telecomtions activities 1
6201 62.01 Computer programming activities 25
6202 62.02 Computer consultancy activities 35
6203 62.03 Computer facilities mangmnt actv 0
6209 62.09 Other IT and computer service actv 1
6311 63.11 Data proc, hosting and related actv 1
6312 63.12 Web portals 0
6391 63.91 News agency activities 0
6399 63.99 Other info service acts n.e.c. 0
6411 64.11 Central banking 2
6419 64.19 Other monetary intermediation 35
6420 64.20 Activities of holding companies 2
6430 64.30 Trusts, funds and sim financial ents 3
6491 64.91 Financial leasing 0
6492 64.92 Other credit granting 5
6499 64.99 Oth fin ser,exc ins and pen fund,nec 2
6511 65.11 Life insurance 5
6512 65.12 Non-life insurance 22
6520 65.20 Reinsurance 2
6530 65.30 Pension funding 5
6611 66.11 Administration of financial markts 5
6612 66.12 Sec and commodity contrcts brokerage 6
6619 66.19 Oth act ax fin ser,ex in and pen fnd 11
6621 66.21 Risk and damage evaluation 1
6622 66.22 Actv of insurance agents and brokers 11
6629 66.29 Othr actv aux to ins and pensn fndng 1
6630 66.30 Fund management activities 1
6810 68.10 Buying and selling own real estate 0
6820 68.20 Renting and op ownleasd real estate 20
6831 68.31 Real estate agencies 10
6832 68.32 Mgmt real estate on feecont basis 4
6910 69.10 Legal activities 19
6920 69.20 Accntng and auditng actv;tax consult 26
7010 70.10 Activities of head offices 15
7021 70.21 PR and communication activities 3
7022 70.22 Bus and other mangmnt constny actv 28
7111 71.11 Architectural activities 11
7112 71.12 Eng actv and related tech consltncy 33
7120 71.20 Technical testing and analysis 9
7211 72.11 Res and experimental dev on biotech 2
7219 72.19 Othr RandD on natural sciences and eng 12
7220 72.20 RandD on social sci and humanities 3
7311 73.11 Advertising agencies 6
7312 73.12 Media representation 1
7320 73.20 Market resch and pub opinion polling 4
7410 74.10 Specialised design activities 9
7420 74.20 Photographic activities 4
7430 74.30 Transltion and interpretation actv 3
7490 74.90 Otr prof,scntfc and tech actv n.e.c. 8
7500 75.00 Veterinary activities 5
7711 77.11 Rent and lease cars and light motr veh 0
7712 77.12 Renting and leasing of trucks 1
7721 77.21 Rentng and leasing rec and sport goods 1
7722 77.22 Renting of video tapes and disks 0
7729 77.29 Rent and lease othr per and hhold good 2
7731 77.31 Rentng and leasng agr mchnry and eqmt 0
7732 77.32 Rentleas constr and eng mchn and eqmt 2
7733 77.33 Rentlease off mchn and eqmt inc PC 0
7734 77.34 Rentng and leasng watr trnprt eqmt 0
7735 77.35 Rentng and leasng air transprt eqmt 0
7739 77.39 Rentleas mchn,eqmt and tang gds nec 3
7740 77.40 Lease intel prop, exc cpyrghtd wrk 0
7810 78.10 Actv of emplymnt placment agncies 10
7820 78.20 Temp employment agency activities 8
7830 78.30 Other human resources provision 0
7911 79.11 Travel agency activities 8
7912 79.12 Tour operator activities 2
7990 79.90 Othr reservtn serv and related actv 4
8010 80.10 Private security activities 13
8020 80.20 Security systems service activs 3
8030 80.30 Investigation activities 0
8110 81.10 Combined facils support activities 9
8121 81.21 General cleaning of buildings 27
8122 81.22 Other building and ind cleaning actv 3
8129 81.29 Other cleaning activities 7
8130 81.30 Landscape service activities 11
8211 82.11 Combined office admin service actv 2
8219 82.19 Copyng,doc prep and othr off sup act 2
8220 82.20 Activities of call centres 8
8230 82.30 Convntn and trade show organisers 2
8291 82.91 Actv coll agncies and credit bureaus 2
8292 82.92 Packaging activities 3
8299 82.99 Other bus supp service actv n.e.c. 6
8411 84.11 General public admin activities 76
8412 84.12 Reg of actv providing social serv 38
8413 84.13 Reg and contr to mre eff op of busin 4
8421 84.21 Foreign affairs 3
8422 84.22 Defence activities 19
8423 84.23 Justice and judicial activities 19
8424 84.24 Public order and safety activities 41
8425 84.25 Fire service activities 9
8430 84.30 Complsry social security activs 4
8510 85.10 Pre-primary education 22
8520 85.20 Primary education 146
8531 85.31 General secondary education 103
8532 85.32 Techl and vocational secondary educ 21
8541 85.41 Post-secndry non-tertiary educatn 3
8542 85.42 Tertiary education 73
8551 85.51 Sports and recreation education 5
8552 85.52 Cultural education 4
8553 85.53 Driving school activities 5
8559 85.59 Other education n.e.c. 23
8560 85.60 Educational support activities 5
8610 86.10 Hospital activities 136
8621 86.21 General medical practice activs 20
8622 86.22 Specialist medical practice activs 5
8623 86.23 Dental practice activities 17
8690 86.90 Other human health activities 69
8710 87.10 Residential nursing care activs 27
8720 87.20 Res care activs for mental health 12
8730 87.30 Res care actv for the eldly and disb 28
8790 87.90 Other residential care activities 6
8810 88.10 Soc wrk act wo accm fr eld and disb 9
8891 88.91 Child day-care activities 32
8899 88.99 Other soc work actv wo accom nec 69
9001 90.01 Performing arts 2
9002 90.02 Supprt activs to performing arts 2
9003 90.03 Artistic creation 13
9004 90.04 Operation of arts facilities 3
9101 91.01 Library and archive activities 5
9102 91.02 Museum activities 1
9103 91.03 Op of hist sites and sim vis atrctns 0
9104 91.04 Bot and zoolgicl grdns and nat res act 2
9200 92.00 Gambling and betting activities 7
9311 93.11 Operation of sports facilities 12
9312 93.12 Activities of sport clubs 4
9313 93.13 Fitness facilities 2
9319 93.19 Other sports activities 6
9321 93.21 Act of amusement park and theme park 0
9329 93.29 Other amusement and rec activities 7
9411 94.11 Act of busness and employrs memb org 2
9412 94.12 Activities of prof mem org 14
9420 94.20 Activities of trade unions 0
9491 94.91 Activs of religious organisations 14
9492 94.92 Activs of political organisations 0
9499 94.99 Activities of other mem org n.e.c. 11
9511 95.11 Repair of comps and peripheral eqmt 1
9512 95.12 Repair of communication equipment 0
9521 95.21 Repair of consumer electronics 0
9522 95.22 Rep hhold apps and home and grden eqmt 2
9523 95.23 Repair of footwr and leather goods 0
9524 95.24 Rep of furnitre and home furnishngs 3
9525 95.25 Rep of watches, clocks and jewellery 1
9529 95.29 Rep of other personl and hhold goods 2
9601 96.01 Wash and (dry)cleang text and fur prod 12
9602 96.02 Hairdressng and othr beauty treatmnt 13
9603 96.03 Funeral and related activities 1
9604 96.04 Physical well-being activities 4
9609 96.09 Other personal service actv n.e.c. 5
9700 97.00 Act hhold as emplyers of dom pers 14
9810 98.10 Undif good-prod act of priv hholds 0
9820 98.20 Undif serv-prod act of priv hholds 0
9900 99.00 Act extraterritorial org and bodies 6
-9 Does not apply 1938
-8 No answer 2
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, October 2013 - December 2014