
UK Data Service variable record for:

Annual Population Survey Household Dataset, January - December, 2007

Variable Details

LabelMain subject of combined degree
1 Medicine 131
2 Medical related subjects 203
3 Biological Sciences 163
4 Agricultural sciences 20
5 Physical/environmental sciences 179
6 Mathematical sciences and computing 203
7 Engineering 161
8 Technology 89
9 Architecture and related subjects 42
10 Social sciences 362
11 Business and financial studies 379
12 Librarianship and information studies 12
13 Linguistics, English, Celtic, ancient 175
14 European languages 117
15 Other languages 12
16 Humanities 133
17 Arts 116
18 educ 121
-10 No answer/Does not apply 363308
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationAnnual Population Survey Household Dataset, January - December, 2007