
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Social Attitudes Survey, 2014

Variable Details

LabelMost useful government actions to reduce the cost of living: Lower taxes for everyone
Question text If the government were going to take action to reduce the cost of living, which of the following do you think would be the most useful actions to take? Please choose up to three actions.
0 Not mentioned 2310
1 Mentioned 551
8 Don't know 17
9 Refused 0
-1 Not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Social Attitudes Survey, 2014
Interviewer InstructionsCARD B11 CODE UP TO 3 Multicoded (Maximum of 3 codes)
UniverseLocation of units of observation:National;Population:Adults (18 and over) living in private households in Great Britain (excluding the 'crofting counties' north of the Caledonian Canal).<br>
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;See documentation for each BSA year for full details.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. The BSA survey is conducted annually.