
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July 2014 - September 2015

Variable Details

LabelWhy were you looking for another job? - 1
1 Present job may come to an end 29
2 Present job fills in time before finding another job 17
3 Pay unsatisfactory in present job 42
4 Journey to work unsatisfactory in present job 9
5 Wants to work longer hours than in present job 16
6 Wants to work shorter hours than in present job 7
7 Other aspects of present job unsatisfactory 50
8 Respondent wants to change occupation 15
9 Respondent wants to change sector 7
10 Other reasons 29
-9 Does not apply 4944
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, July 2014 - September 2015