
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, April - June, 1996

Variable Details

LabelReasn wrkd few.hrs than usual in rf wk
Question text What was the main reason that you did fewer hours than usual/were away from work in the week ending Sunday the [date]?
1 Number of hours or OT varies 10892
2 Bank holiday 7177
3 Maternity or paternity leave 360
4 Other leave or holiday 5801
5 Sick or injured 2380
6 Training course away from workplace 293
7 Started new job or changed jobs 64
8 Ended job and did not start new one 59
9 Ld off,st-time,interrupn - bad weather 73
10 Ld off,st-time,interrupn - labour disput 17
11 Ld off,st-time,int - econ or other reaso 225
12 Other personal or family reasons 373
13 Other reasons 604
-10 No answer/Does not apply 125895
-9 Does not apply 0
-8 No answer 0
-5 Non-data due to seasonal-to-calendar quarter change 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, April - June, 1996
Interviewer InstructionsASK OR RECORD
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Households in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
SamplingSample drawn from main LFS data. See documentation for details.
Study TypeUntil 2015, data were produced from the April-June and October-December quarters of the main LFS each year. From January 2015, the household datasets are produced for each quarter.