
UK Data Service variable record for:

Long-Term Trajectories of Crime in the United Kingdom, 1982-2013

Variable Details

1 white british 113629
2 any other white background 4111
3 white and black caribbean 317
4 white and black african 177
5 white and asian 362
6 any other mixed background 514
7 indian 891
8 pakistani 359
9 bangladeshi 143
10 any other asian background 223
11 black caribbean 430
12 black african 370
13 any other black 100
14 chinese 415
15 other ethnic group 1016
16 refused 0
Sysmiss 1053
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLong-Term Trajectories of Crime in the United Kingdom, 1982-2013