
UK Data Service variable record for:

Public Attitudes to Price Fixing and Cartel Enforcement in Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States, 2014

Variable Details

LabelMale - 30-44 :
1 White etc. - No HS, High school graduate 73
2 White etc. - Some college, 2-year 91
3 White etc. - 4-year 70
4 White etc. - Post-grad 32
5 Black - No HS, High school graduate 17
6 Black - Some college, 2-year 12
7 Black - 4-year 3
8 Black - Post-grad 1
9 Hispanic - No HS, High school graduate 3
10 Hispanic - Some college, 2-year 17
11 Hispanic - 4-year 0
12 Hispanic - Post-grad 0
Sysmiss 2594
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationPublic Attitudes to Price Fixing and Cartel Enforcement in Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States, 2014