
UK Data Service variable record for:

What About YOUth? Survey, 2014

Variable Details

LabelDV PHOF: WEMWBS scores (mean score of 14 statements imputed)
14 171
15 54
15.076923 4
15.166667 1
16 80
16.153847 5
16.545454 2
17 95
17.23077 12
17.5 2
17.818182 1
18 136
18.307692 14
18.666666 4
19 132
19.384615 16
19.833334 5
20 188
20.461538 15
21 175
21.538462 13
21.636364 1
22 248
22.166666 4
22.615385 45
22.90909 2
23 246
23.333334 8
23.692308 27
24 319
24.181818 2
24.5 9
24.76923 38
25 331
25.454546 4
25.666666 5
25.846153 47
26 389
26.727272 3
26.833334 10
26.923077 43
27 445
28 678
29 666
29.076923 90
29.166666 14
29.272728 5
30 790
30.153847 90
30.333334 30
30.545454 5
31 889
31.23077 111
31.5 31
31.818182 8
32 1037
32.307693 140
32.666668 34
33 1157
33.090908 12
33.384617 162
33.833332 50
34 1374
34.363636 16
34.46154 177
35 1533
35.53846 220
35.636364 20
36 1726
36.166668 61
36.615383 227
36.909092 22
37 1940
37.333332 68
37.692307 268
38 2259
38.18182 22
38.5 62
38.76923 316
39 2332
39.454544 18
39.666668 73
39.846153 373
40 2848
40.727272 28
40.833332 115
40.923077 355
41 3098
42 4316
43 3451
43.076923 441
43.166668 119
43.272728 40
44 3680
44.153847 465
44.333332 119
44.545456 33
45 3902
45.23077 526
45.5 108
45.81818 37
46 3977
46.307693 569
46.666668 135
47 4140
47.090908 45
47.384617 558
47.833332 138
48 4327
48.363636 31
48.46154 570
49 4604
49.53846 580
49.636364 38
50 4421
50.166668 113
50.615383 572
50.909092 35
51 4491
51.333332 123
51.692307 588
52 4356
52.18182 25
52.5 136
52.76923 544
53 4237
53.454544 36
53.666668 92
53.846153 506
54 4067
54.727272 33
54.833332 105
54.923077 452
55 3796
56 4244
57 2856
57.076923 351
57.166668 74
57.272728 17
58 2470
58.153847 257
58.333332 59
58.545456 14
59 1984
59.23077 251
59.5 59
59.81818 19
60 1786
60.307693 217
60.666668 36
61 1530
61.090908 14
61.384617 155
61.833332 38
62 1320
62.363636 5
62.46154 142
63 1038
63.53846 137
63.636364 8
64 913
64.166664 21
64.615387 86
64.909088 3
65 729
65.333336 17
65.692307 80
66 587
66.181816 5
66.5 16
66.769234 55
67 455
67.454544 7
67.666664 6
67.846153 51
68 323
68.727272 4
68.833336 7
68.92308 37
69 234
70 547
-99 Left blank 0
-98 Not answered due to routing 2273
-97 Incorrectly multicoded 0
-96 Impossible age recorded 0
-95 Multi-coded but have tried smoking 0
-94 Multi-coded but have tried e-cigarettes 0
-93 Multi-coded but have tried other tobacco products 0
-92 Answer less than minimum age (four) 0
-91 Impossible value recorded 0
-90 Inconsistent (has sibling but recorded 0 as number) 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWhat About YOUth? Survey, 2014