
UK Data Service variable record for:

Health Survey for England, 2014

Variable Details

LabelJoint income
Question text This card shows incomes in weekly, monthly and annual amounts. Which of the groups on this card represents (your/you and your husband/wife/partner's combined) income from all these sources, before any deductions for income tax, National Insurance, etc.? Just tell me the number beside the row that applies to (you/your joint incomes).
-9 Refused 0
-8 Don't know 0
-7 Refused/not obtained 0
-6 Schedule not obtained 0
-2 Schedule not applicable 0
-1 Not applicable 311
1 <£520 17
2 £520<£1,600 29
3 £1,600<£2,600 25
4 £2,600<£3,600 93
5 £3,600<£5,200 122
6 £5,200<£7,800 309
7 £7,800<£10,400 435
8 £10,400<£13,000 562
9 £13,000<£15,600 484
10 £15,600<£18,200 501
11 £18,200<£20,800 483
12 £20,800<£23,400 436
13 £23,400<£26,000 399
14 £26,000<£28,600 317
15 £28,600<£31,200 510
16 £31,200<£33,800 269
17 £33,800<£36,400 252
18 £36,400<£41,600 436
19 £41,600<£46,800 313
20 £46,800<£52,000 413
21 £52,000<£60,000 368
22 £60,000<£70,000 356
23 £70,000<£80,000 295
24 £80,000<£90,000 209
25 £90,000<£100,000 89
26 £100,000<£110,000 153
27 £110,000<£120,000 63
28 £120,000<£130,000 34
29 £130,000<£140,000 40
30 £140,000<£150,000 34
31 >=£150,000 173
96 Do not know 550
97 Refused 1000
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationHealth Survey for England, 2014
Interviewer InstructionsSHOW CARD A8. ENTER BAND NUMBER. DON'T KNOW = 96, REFUSED = 97.
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Adults (aged 16 and over) and children (aged 0-15 years) in the general population, living in private households in England during 2014.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study; The survey is conducted annually.