
UK Data Service variable record for:

Welfare State under Strain, 2014-2015: A Comparative Study of Diversity, Austerity and Public Opinion

Variable Details

LabelHow long should immigrants coming to Britain/the Netherlands from other countries have to work and pay taxes in Britain/the Netherlands before they are entitled to unemployment benefits?
0 They should be entitled to this benefit as soon as they arri 144
1 1 year 460
2 2 years 582
3 3 years 526
4 4 years 108
5 5 years 1121
6 6 years 69
7 7 years 63
8 8 years 28
9 9 years 14
10 10 years 494
11 They should never be entitled to this benefit 556
-99 Don’t know 305
-98 Not Asked 0
Sysmiss 907
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWelfare State under Strain, 2014-2015: A Comparative Study of Diversity, Austerity and Public Opinion