
UK Data Service variable record for:

United Kingdom Time Use Survey, 2014-2015

Variable Details

LabelHow long had help when NOT part of normal job (HRS/MINS) (Window cleaning/ car
-1 Item not applicable 11317
-8 Don’t know 0
-9 No answer/refused 0
00:00:00 3
00:05:00 4
00:10:00 6
00:15:00 6
00:20:00 11
00:25:00 3
00:30:00 12
00:45:00 2
01:00:00 22
01:30:00 2
02:00:00 9
02:50:00 1
03:00:00 13
04:00:00 2
06:00:00 2
10:00:00 2
15:00:00 4
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnited Kingdom Time Use Survey, 2014-2015