
UK Data Service variable record for:

Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014

Variable Details

LabelQ2.3 Please list up to five organisations that are most important in informing your opinion of climate change - ii
Action for Climate Change 1
BBC News 1
BBC news 3
BBC news (Meridian - local news) 1
BBC radio, TV e.g. Radio 4, Horizon 1
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists 1
Eco-schools 1
Energy companies 1
Energy suppliers 1
Environment Agency 1
Financial Times 1
Friends of the Earth 6
Government 5
Green Party 1
Green Peace 1
Greenpeace 8
Hampshire Wildlife Trust 1
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1
Media 1
Met Office 2
National Geographic channel 1
New Scientist 1
Press 2
Press (the Times, the Independent, the Guardian) 1
Professional Engineer - journal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1
Radio 2
Sky News 1
Sky news 1
TEAR Fund 1
TV - BBC News 1
TV - especially Countryfile, Springwatch (BBC) 1
TV - news - BBC (also online) 1
TV - news - BBC, ITV 1
TV - news, documentaries (in general) 1
TV news - BBC 1
Television 2
The Green Party 1
The Guardian 1
The Open University 1
The Times (newspaper) 1
University of Southampton 2
Wildlife Trust 1
Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) 1
World Wildlife Fund 2
[hotel chain] (workplace) 1
[local group] 3
bbc news 1
documentaries (in general) 1
energy companies 1
government 3
magazines (in general) 1
media - e.g. the Times 1
newspapers - Daily Mail, Telegraph 1
newspapers - The I (Independent - condensed version), Times 1
newspapers - The I (condensed Independent) 1
newspapers - The Telegraph 1
newspapers - e.g. Telegraph, Daily Mail 1
newspapers e.g. The Guardian 1
oragnisations that visit the school at which he works (normally faith-based; can't recall names) 1
press - none in particular 1
radio - BBC 1
school - Geography A-level 1
the media 1
web - in general 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationRole of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014