
UK Data Service variable record for:

Preferences for Care towards the End of Life, 2015

Variable Details

LabelSCN2: The person is now beginning to lose their short term memory. As well as missing mealtimes, they sometimes get confused and forget recent events. At times, they can no longer make decisions about their own care.
1 Make me attend mealtimes, even if I resist, so that I have t 586
2 Encourage me to attend mealtimes and eat, but allow me to mi 694
3 Serve my meals as usual, and accept if I do not eat them 416
4 Provide measures to help me die peacefully 145
5 Don't know 129
6 Refused / Missing 46
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationPreferences for Care towards the End of Life, 2015