
UK Data Service variable record for:

Female Labor Supply, Human Capital and Welfare Reform: Data from the Labour Force Survey, 1993-2006, and the British Household Panel Survey, 1991-2008

Variable Details

Labelhighest qualif/trade apprenticeship
-9 does not apply 98
-8 no answer 0
-5 5721
1 higher degree 683
2 nvq level 5 15
3 first/foundation degree 1616
4 other degree 0
5 nvq level 4 90
6 diploma in higher educ 191
7 hnc,hnd,btec etc higher 347
8 teaching, further educ 24
9 teaching, secondary educ 16
10 teaching, primary educ 38
11 teaching foundation stage 6
12 teaching, level not stated 11
13 nursing etc 435
14 rsa higher diploma 11
15 other higher educ below degree 83
16 nvq level 3 449
17 gnvq advanced 57
18 a level or equivalent 751
19 rsa advanced diploma 17
20 ond,onc,btec etc, national 272
21 city & guilds advanced craft 110
22 scot csys 6
23 sce higher or equivalent 109
24 access qualif 7
25 a,s level or equivalent 20
26 trade apprenticeship 303
27 nvq level 2 or equivalent 535
28 gnvq intermediate 41
29 rsa diploma 29
30 city & guilds craft 107
31 btec,scotvec first/general diploma etc 47
32 o level, gcse grade a-c or equivalent 3002
33 nvq level 1 or equivalent 75
34 gnvq,gsvq foundation level 6
35 cse below grade1,gcse below grade c 606
36 btec,scotvec first/general certificate 6
37 scotvec modules 11
38 rsa other 76
39 city & guilds other 19
40 yt,ytp certificate 19
41 key skills qualif 0
42 basic skills qualif 3
43 entry level qualif 0
44 other qualif 800
45 no qualif 1579
46 don't know 29
Sysmiss 1134631
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationFemale Labor Supply, Human Capital and Welfare Reform: Data from the Labour Force Survey, 1993-2006, and the British Household Panel Survey, 1991-2008