
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, October 2015 - December 2016

Variable Details

LabelBasic economic activity (ILO definition) (reported)
1 Employee 1992
2 Self-employed 410
3 Government employment & training programmes 6
4 Unpaid family worker 13
5 ILO unemployed 90
6 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, student 15
7 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, looking after family, home 4
8 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, temporarily sick or injured 0
9 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, long-term sick or disabled 0
10 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, other reason 3
11 Inactive, seeking, unavailable, no reason given 2
12 Inactive, not seeking, would like, waiting results of job ap 0
13 Inactive, not seeking, would like, student 21
14 Inactive, not seeking, would like, looking after family, hom 41
15 Inactive, not seeking, would like, temporarily sick or injur 4
16 Inactive, not seeking, would like, long term sick or disable 61
17 Inactive, not seeking, would like, believes no jobs availabl 5
18 Inactive, not seeking, would like, not yet started looking 7
19 Inactive, not seeking, would like, does not need or want emp 2
20 Inactive, not seeking, would like, retired from paid work 13
21 Inactive, not seeking, would like, other reason 12
22 Inactive, not seeking, would like, no reason given 0
23 Inactive, not seeking, not like, waiting results of job appl 0
24 Inactive, not seeking, not like, student 78
25 Inactive, not seeking, not like, looking after family, home 144
26 Inactive, not seeking, not like, temporarily sick or injured 3
27 Inactive, not seeking, not like, long term sick or disabled 158
28 Inactive, not seeking, not like, believes no jobs available 1
29 Inactive, not seeking, not like, not yet started looking 1
30 Inactive, not seeking, not like, does not need or want emplo 54
31 Inactive, not seeking, not like, retired from paid work 688
32 Inactive, not seeking, not like, other reason 4
33 Inactive, not seeking, not like, no reason given 4
34 Under 16 36
-9 Does not apply 0
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, October 2015 - December 2016