
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April - September, 2017

Variable Details

LabelIndustry division in main job (2 digits)
1 01 Crop, animal production, hunting 258
2 02 Forestry and logging 15
3 03 Fishing and aquaculture 13
5 05 Mining of coal and lignite 2
6 06 Extraction crude petroleum and gas 9
7 07 Mining of metal ores 0
8 08 Other mining and quarrying 13
9 09 Mining support service activities 50
10 10 Manufacture of food products 202
11 11 Manufacture of beverages 30
12 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 3
13 13 Manufacture of textiles 42
14 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 27
15 15 Manufacture of leather and related 8
16 16 Manufacture wood and wood products 47
17 17 Manufacture paper & paper products 32
18 18 Printing and recorded media 71
19 19 Manufacture of coke & refined petrol 11
20 20 Manufacture of chemicals 65
21 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 84
22 22 Manufacture rubber plastic products 81
23 23 Manuf non-metallic mineral products 49
24 24 Manufacture of basic metals 44
25 25 Manuf fab metal prods, ex machinery 136
26 26 Manuf computr, electronic & optical 112
27 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 52
28 28 Manuf of machinery n.e.c. 183
29 29 Manuf vehicles and trailers 117
30 30 Manufacture of other transport 149
31 31 Manufacture of furniture 50
32 32 Other manufacturing 71
33 33 Repair and installation of machinery 136
35 35 Electricity, gas and air cond supply 115
36 36 Water collectn, treatment & supply 43
37 37 Sewerage 7
38 38 Waste collectn, treatment, disposal 79
39 39 Remediation & other waste managmnt 14
41 41 Construction of buildings 473
42 42 Civil engineering 211
43 43 Specialised construction activities 604
45 45 Wholesale retail trade repair vehcls 236
46 46 Wholesale trade, except vehicles 451
47 47 Retail trade, except vehicles 1608
49 49 Land transport inc via pipelines 436
50 50 Water transport 35
51 51 Air transport 43
52 52 Warehousing & support for transport 204
53 53 Postal and courier activities 197
55 55 Accommodation 206
56 56 Food and beverage service activities 664
58 58 Publishing activities 97
59 59 Film, video, television sound record 52
60 60 Programming and broadcasting 44
61 61 Telecommunications 122
62 62 Computer programming and consultancy 440
63 63 Information service activities 18
64 64 Financial ex insurance and pension 292
65 65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension 149
66 66 Auxiliary to financial and insurance 253
68 68 Real estate activities 201
69 69 Legal and accounting activities 319
70 70 Head offices; management consultancy 287
71 71 Architerctural and engineering 368
72 72 Scientific research and development 97
73 73 Advertising and market research 108
74 74 Other prof, scientific and technical 166
75 75 Vetinary activities 57
77 77 Rental and leasing activities 79
78 78 Employment activities 134
79 79 Travel, tour operator, reservation 70
80 80 Security & investigation activities 95
81 81 Services to buildings and landscape 402
82 82 Office admin, support and other 133
84 84 Public admin, defence, social sec 1294
85 85 Education 2238
86 86 Human health activities 1481
87 87 Residential care activities 549
88 88 Social work without accommodation 594
90 90 Creative, arts and entertainment 114
91 91 Libraries, archives, museums 87
92 92 Gambling and betting activities 43
93 93 Sports, amusement, recreation 260
94 94 Activities membership organisations 221
95 95 Repair of computers and other goods 50
96 96 Other personal service activities 276
97 97 Domestic personnel 34
98 98 Undifferentiated goods 3
99 99 Extraterritorial organisations 22
-9 Does not apply 9696
-8 No answer 85
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April - September, 2017