
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Life and Times Survey, 2017

Variable Details

Label53j. How much would you like or dislike doing the following with pupils from different schools: Doing projects together?
Question text How much would you like or dislike doing any of the following things if pupils from different schools got together? (Please tick ONE box in EACH row) Being taught by different teachers? Travelling to a different school? Learning new things with pupils from another school? Doing classes we normally don’t get to do at our school? Making new friends Being with young people who are a different religion to me? Being with young people who are a different ethnic background to me? Being with young people who are a different social class to me? Sharing sports facilities, computers or equipment? Doing projects together? Sharing classes?
1 I would like it a lot 212
2 I would like it a little 228
3 I would not like it very much 63
4 I would not like it at all 15
5 I don't know 45
-9 Not asked 626
99 Missing 9
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Life and Times Survey, 2017
UniverseAll 16-year olds in Northern Ireland who received child benefit payments and had her/his birthday in January, February or March of the survey year.
SamplingSimple random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study Some survey questions are repeated annually.