
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Life and Times Survey, 2017

Variable Details

Label54b. Would you mind if your class did a project with young people from this type of school: a primary school?
Question text Suppose a group of young people from another school/college were coming to do a project with your class, would you mind if they were from these types of schools? (Please tick ONE box in EACH row)
1 I would mind a lot 26
2 I would mind a little 118
3 I would not mind at all 397
4 I don't know 22
-9 Not asked 626
99 Missing 9
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Life and Times Survey, 2017
UniverseAll 16-year olds in Northern Ireland who received child benefit payments and had her/his birthday in January, February or March of the survey year.
SamplingSimple random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study Some survey questions are repeated annually.