
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Life and Times Survey, 2017

Variable Details

Label68c. When you were stopped by the police in Northern Ireland: I was physically searched and my belongings were searched
Question text When you were stopped by the police in Northern Ireland which of the following things happened? (Please tick ALL that apply) I was given a clear reason for being stopped. The police officer(s) told me his/her name and which police station she/he worked in. I was physically searched and my belongings were searched. The police officer recorded my details on her/his phone and gave me a receipt/reference number. The police officer wrote my name/address in their notebook. I was told to move on. Some else happened (Please write in what happened).
0 Not ticked 34
1 Ticked 24
-9 Not asked 626
-1 SKIP STOPME - Never stopped and searched 511
99 Missing 3
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Life and Times Survey, 2017
UniverseAll 16-year olds in Northern Ireland who received child benefit payments and had her/his birthday in January, February or March of the survey year.
SamplingSimple random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study Some survey questions are repeated annually.