-9 |
missing |
28 |
-8 |
inapplicable |
0 |
-2 |
refusal |
3 |
-1 |
don't know |
161 |
0 |
not currently in paid employment |
22680 |
1 |
managers, directors and senior officials |
0 |
2 |
professional occupations |
0 |
3 |
associate professional and technical occupations |
0 |
4 |
administrative and secretarial occupations |
0 |
5 |
skilled trades occupations |
0 |
6 |
caring, leisure and other service occupations |
0 |
7 |
sales and customer service occupations |
0 |
8 |
process, plant and machine operatives |
0 |
9 |
elementary occupations |
0 |
11 |
corporate managers and directors |
3172 |
12 |
other managers and proprietors |
936 |
21 |
science, research, engineering and technology professionals |
861 |
22 |
health professionals |
320 |
23 |
teaching and educational professionals |
1584 |
24 |
business, media and public service professionals |
948 |
31 |
science, engineering and technology associate professionals |
404 |
32 |
health and social care associate professionals |
1456 |
33 |
protective service occupations |
333 |
34 |
culture, media and sports occupations |
677 |
35 |
business and public service associate professionals |
1570 |
41 |
administrative occupations |
2466 |
42 |
secretarial and related occupations |
717 |
51 |
skilled agricultural and related trades |
231 |
52 |
skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades |
948 |
53 |
skilled construction and building trades |
895 |
54 |
textiles, printing and other skilled trades |
596 |
61 |
caring personal service occupations |
2093 |
62 |
leisure, travel and related personal service occupations |
563 |
71 |
sales occupations |
1818 |
72 |
customer service occupations |
416 |
81 |
process, plant and machine operatives |
822 |
82 |
transport and mobile machine drivers and operatives |
1109 |
91 |
elementary trades and related occupations |
763 |
92 |
elementary administration and service occupations |
2424 |