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Young Life and Times Survey, 2018

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Label58. Please explain your answer to question 57 about the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement
A lot of the changes implemented so far have made positive change such as releasing innocent republican men/women from jail following internment in the British occupied six counties but unfortunately a lot of the promises made in the good Friday agreement 1
A someone who hasn’t lived here too long, I am not very educated on the Belfast agreement 1
Agreements like the St Andrews and a lot of issues that needed cross community discussion can now take place because of this things have drastically improved 1
All it has done is anger the oppressed republican natives of this island. 1
Allowed a more representative government to be in place and represent the the catholic people. Also allowed the fate of Northern Ireland to be placed in the hands of the people and decide when they would want a referendum on a United Ireland. Started cros 1
Allowed for better community relations 1
Allowed the Troubles to officially end, making paramilitary activity more immoral 1
Although I have not yet studied the good Friday agreement I will later this year as part of As level Government and Politics. Therefore, I cannot give a fully educated answer but I believe that this agreement is vital in helping to ensure equality between 1
Although it ended 'the troubles' there is still tension between both parties. 1
Although it was not a perfect agreement it led to a better future for nI. 1
Although its been a while since I last was taught about this agreement, I can remember the many benefits of the agreement and how it helped bring to an end the catastrophic violence the troubles reaped. It has definitely helped relations between catholic 1
Although the good Friday agreement prevented violence and distruction in northern ireland to an extent there still is conflict in northern ireland and now that we don’t have a governement more and more conflict and violence is occuring so what was the p 1
Although there are certain parts of the Good Fridy Agreement that I do not agree with such as Northern Ireland remaining part of the UK unless a majority wants a vote and that only the secretary of state can hold this referendum. Also the Irish Government 1
Apparently there was lots of violence and murder before the agreement, and a hard boarder. This always left people on edge and prevented the country from reaching their potential. - I have he's fed stories from older relatives about the time before the bl 1
As catholic and protestant communities more together than before 1
As it is as bad as it was years ago 1
As it resulted in peace and I think religions started to mix more and get along better in education and the work place. It prevented the amount of hatred being taken out for uncalled reasons. 1
As it's obviously stopped a lot of violence however it hasn't changed everything it's just made it a more habitable environment 1
As our society has come forward together and we're in a much more peaceful place e.g. more socialising, the Irish governement funding groups in Northern Ireland. Also decisions are now being made as every one has an 'agreement' to follow by. 1
As the conflict has mostly ceased compared to what it was. 1
As the troubles ended thus hate crime and violence had been reduced 1
As well as everything there's people that opposed to the agreement and therefore no progress was made in some peoples eyes. 1
Because I havent been broughtuo with any violence or troubles 1
Because it brought peace 1
Because it gives catholics a better freedom of idenity as Irish people and also increases our chances of a united Ireland 1
Because it has brought a bit of peace to Northern Ireland and people are now a bit more understanding than what they used to be back in the day. 1
Because it has made the country a safer place to live in. 1
Because it helped end the troubles 1
Because of my family and other people mentioning that it was a good thing because we only briefly went over it in school. 1
Because there are less bombings and shootings now 1
Because there is less conflict. 1
Because there isnt any violence between communities as much as there isnt that big of a divide anymore 1
Before it things were at a more a lot more tense between religion. I think they have sorted some things out but not nearly enough. 1
Before the Good Friday Agreement Norther Ireland was a violent and dangerous place to live and work with people being in constant fear of paramilitary attacks. Now due to the Good Friday Agreement relative peace prevails in Northern Ireland - 1
Better living in peace than terrorism 1
Better relations between Catholics and Protestants 1
Brexit is taking over 1
Brought about peace and tolerance 1
Brought between the two communities 1
Brought catholics and protestants closer together. 1
Cause there's still crime 1
Children are not constantly worrying which helps with their education. As children are more concentrated they are achieving goals. 1
Community relations have improved greatly between Protestants and Catholics although there is still a long way to go due to people from both sides still living in the past and being close minded. 1
Conflict among communities 1
Conflict between catholics and protestants still exists, government cant agree with anything seemingly just because of religious differences. 1
Conflict is still bad but not as bad as it was 1
Cross community relations have improved. Tourists visiting NI. Economy improved (local shops) 1
Do not know enough about it 1
Don't know 1
Don't know a lot about it or life before it 1
Don't know that much about it. Sparked controversy in the past. 1
Eased tensions between both sides 1
Ended the conflict 1
Ended the troubles 1
Ended the troubles and a more fair and less Unionist biased government was formed 1
Ended violence and created a more representative devolved government 1
For a while allowed unionists and nationalists to cooperate and communicate and ensured neither was silenced 1
Freedom of movement without harassment 1
From stories I have heard about before the 'Good Friday Agreement' I think that less conflict had happened after that. This made Northern Ireland a safer place as more imigrants came after it, showed that they are safe in this country. 1
From what I have learned from history books and stories from family who were alive at the time, the 'troubles' were filled with negative people and acts. Although the good Friday agreement wasn’t perfect it was a neccesary action to move forward 1
From what I remember it gave people a choice 1
GFA had brought end to many political freedom fighting and has allowed for national/ republicans to campaigh for united ireland 1
Good Friday agreement made a settlement but its not guaranteed that it will not go back into fighting. 1
Good and bad. Is good was signed as it has helped situations a little although still not followed fully. 1
Great stride in direction of sustained peace and equality between cath and prot. 1
Greater focus on equality. 1
Has allowed a better understanding between the two groups 1
Has brought peace 1
Has made NI a safer place to live with less prominent segregation between communities 1
Have never learned about this. 1
Have not learned about it in school 1
Having learnt about what the troubles was like, it appears to have brought greater peace 1
Help to promote peace between protestants and catholics and made NI safer as a whole. 1
Helped end the troubles 1
Honestly not sure. I feel I don't remember or know nearly enough information on what the conditions were like before Good Friday to make a claim whether it improved N.I. for the better or not. 1
I am not aware of what the good Friday agreement is 1
I am not sure 1
I am uninformed on the agreement and what it contained 1
I am unsure 1
I answered yes because it developed a Northern Irish government which has been good in my opinion (apart from the fact they have been on paid leave for quite some time) The agreement ended the conflict which was needed and was the first stich in the wound 1
I appreciate the attempt to join British and Irish governements in the governing of the provence 1
I believe NI has become a much better place since the troubles. 1
I believe from what it used to be it is a safer place from hate/prejuded crime for the protestant and catholic community 1
I believe it did break some barriers and start equality but more needs to be done. 1
I believe it has as it brought about the end of the Troubles and thefore made the country safer 1
I believe it has as it has given a voice to all sides of the community rather than just one, and has allowed communities that were previously in conflict to work together to move forward. I think it has been an essential part of the progress made in north 1
I believe it has as the number of deaths related to paramilitary violence has definitely decreased, friendships and relationships between communities are more so the norm than they were and our generation doesn't have to grow up with the fear and prejudic 1
I believe it has made it a better place as people from both backgrounds have to come together and accept each other, and people have started to accept 1
I believe that it was an effective way to prevent further loss of life and I believe that it was greatly needed, I only hope that it isnt completely disregarded by the current government in their effort to mess up Brexit 1
I believe that the good first agreement has somewhat bright peace between Cathlics an Protestants as for one that aren't publicly murdering each other. However I do believe that it won't be peaceful for much longer. 1
I believe the agreement has settled things down a bit however there is still a huge amount of conflict and hatred towards the british. Conflict is especially prominant now as there have been recent IRA attacks 1
I can't remember the specifics of the agreement 1
I cannot voice my opinion if I am not educated or informed on this topic. 1
I cant remember what I was taught 1
I didn't learn about it so I dont know 1
I didn’t have a say in it and because of brexit as we don’t know whats going to happen to the good Friday agreement 1
I do not know the difference that the good Friday agreement has made in NI 1
I do not know the whole are of the agreement so I cannot make a decsion 1
I don't feel that I am of the age to make a statement on this as I do not remember the harder times in northern Ireland or what it was like before the good Friday agreement. 1
I don't fully understand what it is or it's impacts, 1
I don't have any knowledge about it . 1
I don't know 6
I don't know enough to comment 1
I don't know if it has as i cant remember what we were taught about it 1
I don't know what it was like before the agreement. 1
I don't no much about it 1
I don’t have an opinion on this at this moment. 1
I don’t have any opinion on this 1
I don’t know about the good Friday agreement/Belfast agreement. 1
I don’t know enough about it. 1
I don’t know enough about the agreement or how it has affected people living in NI 1
I don’t know enough on it to give an opinion 1
I don’t know much about it 1
I don’t know personally how Ireland was before the good Friday agreement but it probably was better. 1
I don’t know too much but it stopped the troubles which is good 1
I don’t know what it was like before 1
I don’t know what it was like before the agreement, but im educated that there is more peace and cohesion nowadays 1
I don’t know, no one questioned me etc on my religion since I don’t go by anything, not even atheist. 1
I don’t really know much about Northern Ireland before the agreement 1
I don’t really know what it did 1
I don’t think we went into detail about it, so I am unsure. 1
I don’t understand completely what was agreed upon and the consequences that it had. 1
I feel it has allowed us to live more feely and has shown an opportunity for a united Ireland 1
I feel it has brought the protestant and catholic communities together more. 1
I feel it has significantly improved relations between protestant and catholics and both religions have become much more accepting of each other. 1
I feel like it has built a better pathway to peace in Northern Ireland and it was a start in the right direction. 1
I feel like it has made northern ireland a better place to live as everyone can live in peace and be classified as the religion/nationality they feel 1
I feel people are unhappy with the agreement and it was only made to suit some 1
I feel safe in most places in Northern Ireland, I do not see as much conflict 1
I feel that it has been of some benefit but recently there has been multiple paramilitary style attacks 1
I feel that it kinda makes us feel that we still have some form of control 1
I feel the North of Ireland should be a part of the south. 1
I feel there is a good and bad on both sides, the agreement settle things in Northern Ireland, but we still have issues 1
I feel through the agreement, violence has been reduced. 1
I have heard of how bad it was to live in NI during the troubles. 1
I have never been taught about it and am unsure of what it actually does 1
I have no opinion on it. 1
I haven't been taught enough about the subject to decide 1
I haven't been taught enough about this to make a judgement 1
I haven't really learnt much about the Good Friday Agreement, but I hear my family talk about it. It would be better if we learnt about it more as then we could see if it has made a difference or not. 1
I just don’t know 1
I never experienced Northern Ireland before the good Friday agreement so I can't comment on the difference 1
I never learnt about it in school 1
I thikn the agreement definatley improved the political situation in Ireland at the time and it certainly helped ease the violence in the area. Compared with the time of the troubles its definitley made NI a better place to live but I think Northern Irela 1
I think it allows people to first of all, have their national identity suit them as well as settle rivalry down between catholic and protestants 1
I think it brought about more peace and tolerance 1
I think it has made it a safer place for us to live compared to all them years ago and we have more freedom and a chance to live our lives 1
I think it has strengthened the relationship with NI and ROI 1
I think it has, as it has made peace in NI. It has stopped the paramilitary shootings and the attacks. I would fear if it got demolished. All the paramilitarys go on the agreement which is putting them behind a line and they know if they cross it, there w 1
I think it has, as it stopped the major division which happened before the agreement and it made people more open minded about other communities living in NI - it also ended the troubles which were going on for number of years 1
I think it helped to reduce sectarianism within Northern Ireland. It set up a council to promote the relationship between Britain and Ireland and the agreement allowed people of Northern Ireland to choose either a British or Irish passport 1
I think it helped us to move forward in the integration of our communities 1
I think that it allowed Catholic's to have more of a say politically as it introduced power sharing and one community cannot make decisions without the consent of the other so it has encouraged compromise 1
I think that its good for all communities because its brought somewhat peace and stability to Northern Ireland. 1
I think the good Friday agreement has brought more peace to our country. Without it there may still be customs and border control at the borders and that would make my daily life extremely hard, seeing as I live right beside the border. 1
I was not around during the time before the agreement, as such I'm not able to say whether I find it better as all i have are second hand tellings of what was occurring. 1
I was not born and I didn’t learned it in school. They are always argueing and they disagree in everything 1
I wasn’t born in the times before the good Friday agreement 1
I wasn’t born when the Good Friday Agreement was signed so from what ive seen about the troubles and heard from my mum and dad its helped improve relations, but tensions are still there and Treland is far from perfect. 1
I would say yes as the point in it help achieve more peace 1
I'm not sure 1
I'm not sure if it has or not 1
I'm not sure, I don’t understand 1
I'm unaware of it's clauses but a I think a move away from the troubles is a definitely positive 1
If the whole island of Ireland had been owned by either the UK or Ireland then the conflict between Ireland and the UK over Northern Ireland may not be going on today. However, conflict would be huge over the decision of whether Ireland or the UK should 1
If there was no Good Friday agreement the troubles would probably still be happening 1
If we were to continue on the self destructive path we were on before it is likely the country would have broken out into a form of civil war far more extreme than what was already occurring forcing the rest of the UK to either pick a side, stay neutral o 1
Im not sure if it has or hasn't,its been a while since i learnt about it 1
Important in ending the Troubles - not necessarily perfect but definitely was a major step in the right direction. 1
Improvement was made, but we have recently became backwards society again. 1
In ways it was beneficial but also useless so I'm not too sure if it was a great thing or not. 1
Introduced a government and stopped conflict. 1
It allowed the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain to compromise and put an end to the troubles. 1
It brought about an end to the violence caused by The Troubles. 1
It brought an end to the troubles and although violence is still present. it is at far lower levels than it was before the good Friday agreement, it also give the impression that Northern Ireland was a much safer place than before and so helped boast its 1
It brought peace and prosperity, and ensure this is maintained 1
It brought peace to the country and it brought communities together. 1
It brought some peace to Northern Ireland because it stopped the majority of the fighting. There is still misstrust between protestants and catholics. Paramilitaries still try to get people to join. 1
It calmed tensions and is used as a sign of peace in the world. It has made Northern Ireland look nice to live since it was not a constant war zone. 1
It created peace between different groups and made NI a better place to live. 1
It created peace in NI and we have come a long way since the troubles, but NI still improvements it could make, especially regarding cross community 1
It created peace. 1
It didn’t make N.Ireland better at all. Most people want a united Ireland. The agreement that if the majoirty wanted it, it could happen. However, this principle of consent doesn’t really seem to be acknowledged as the majority want a united Ireland a 1
It eased troubles and conflicts between opposing sides, however did not stop them. 1
It encouraged the preservation of peace. 1
It ended the conflict and secured a lasting peace for tired peoples 1
It ended the majority of sectarian conflict 1
It ended the troubles 1
It ended the troubles, which made life a bit easier. However still there is a lot of problems with catholics and protestants. Still bombs are set, still people are shot and nothing very much is ever done to address the people who commit the crimes and why 1
It ensures that the events that happened during the troubles did not ensue 1
It gave nationalists a voice in the previously unionist dominated government of NI and encouraged and paved the way for power sharing, although I feel that new parties need to emerge to support a new generation of ideas. Compromises also need to be made i 1
It gave people closure to the times known as the Troubles and dealt with issues that allowed people to move on. Although atrocities have still been committed since the Agreement was signed, I have not grown up in fear in a post-Agreement world and so beli 1
It has allowed and aided the peace process and has also helped bring communities together instead of keeping them apart. 1
It has allowed people to move on 1
It has because although relations aren't perfect, it is a safer and more accepting place compared to before the agreement was signed 1
It has because most society's can now be inclusive with the opposing sides 1
It has because there is less polarisation, which means less conflict 1
It has been taught, but not in great detail. I am not sure what it entitles. 1
It has brought Catholics and Protestants closer together 1
It has brought a bit of peace between the catholics and Protestants 1
It has brought peace to Northern Ireland and there is no longer a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. 1
It has brought peace to the country 1
It has brought peace, and has brought the different communities together 1
It has brought the days of outright and uncontrolled voilence to near extinction within NI and showed the world that NI is a place that people can invest in and build a future. 1
It has created peace in the country, as there is not as much conflict 1
It has decreased street fighting, bombings, shootings etc.which stopped people being put of homes and loss of family. It brought a temporary government to Northern Ireland. 1
It has definitely made a difference for the better, there isn't as much sectarianism related attacks etc. There is no longer internment which is brilliant for innocent people,also it has made the environment in which my generation are growing up in a lot 1
It has delt with the issues that caused conflict in the past 30 years and I think it has made Northern Ireland a better place to live in my to an extent 1
It has due to the fact there isn't people walking around with guns or weapons which I know was a big impact before the agreement. If I grew up with people patrolling with guns I would've all ways grew up with fear. The 1st time I say anything like this it 1
It has encouraged tolerance of other groups 1
It has ensured that the government is a democracy equally representing most people living in NI 1
It has established peace and violence related to sectarian matters has decreased. 1
It has given people on both sides the right to identify as who they want. 1
It has given people security in their place and that they belong here in Northern Ireland 1
It has greatly reduced religious inspired agression 1
It has helped society move forward and has helped with sectarianism, even though its still here. People are beining to respect each other and their views. 1
It has helped to end violence and prejudice in Northern Ireland 1
It has helped to greatly lower the conflict that enraged our country for 30 years 1
It has largely stopped the conflict in Northen Ireland 1
It has made Northern Ireland a safer and better economically place 1
It has made Northern Ireland a safer place to live 1
It has made Northern Ireland in ways more peaceful towards each other. Although it has not eliminated all division and tension between protestants and catholic but it has reduced it. 1
It has made northern Ireland a better country as people feel confident to invest within it. Tourism has increased as people feel safe to come here. 1
It has made northern Ireland a better place as it allowed power sharing in politics , the decomissing of weapons the creation of th PSNI and the police obudsman 1
It has made people closer as a community. 1
It has made the country safer in general 1
It has neither made Northern Ireland a better or worse place to live 1
It has reduced conflict from the extent it reached in the troubles. 1
It has reduced the amount of conflict within NI as there hasn’t been any bombs/conflict of this level due to conflict stemmed from tension between the Protestant and Catholic community. People have become more tolerant to different groups due to awarene 1
It has reduced the fighting between the communities 1
It has reduced violence and conflict between communities significantly since being signed. 1
It has seemed to decrease levels of violence since the troubles, however the IRA had declined the ceasefire (somewhat) before 1998. Sit can be seen as part of the "peace process" and making NI safer not the only reason for it. 1
It has stopped the violence, shooting and killings 1
It hasn’t really changed much 1
It helped put an end to the troubles in Ireland, saving countless lives. It also helped to reduce the sectarianism and removed British troops from Northern Ireland. Which was hated in nationalist areas. 1
It helped solve the conflict 1
It helped to bring an end to conflict through the troubles. I feel the division that existed within NI was settled and it helped to prevent a lot more deaths. I feel it brought about peace and made NI a better place. 1
It helped to dissolve some very bad tensions between the two sides 1
It helped to keep the peace but now we are oblivious and do not care enough to discriminate agaisnt other religions most people i know are atheists. 1
It initiated peace in Northern Ireland that had not been present for years. 1
It instilled a sence of peace and normality within Northern Ireland. Also, since it is our sole defense mechanism with regard Brexit Deal agreements. Since working to uphold the dignity of and preserve the conditions of the good Friday agreement has prote 1
It is an attempt at peace and the violence has significantly decreased since the signing of the agreement. 1
It is good to have a legal agreement, and I do not know much about the Good Friday Agreement, however I think that the partition of Ireland in the first place was a shambolic mistake and if I could undo it, I think I would 1
It lets everyone be seen as equals and not two divided groups 1
It made it slightly safer - 1
It makes Northern Ireland a safe place to live because the troubles arent happening anymore 1
It meant that there was no more violence between people anymore/ended troubles and even though we still didn’t get a whole ireland after all that time it was probably for the better for there to be peace at last. 1
It only cause outrage from certain christian backgrounds and shouldn’t of even done Northern Ireland still has highly sectarian and violent places. 1
It played a maor role in stopping the Troubles 1
It prevented a lot of violence however could be concidered a sacrafice of the six counties which increased tension between the catholic and protestant communities 1
It put an end to most of the violence and has allowed us to grow as a society as a result. 1
It put an end to the conflict and made the Country a much safer place to live. 1
It put an end to the troubles and fighting and allowed us to live in peace. 1
It put structures in place for the two sides to be able o live alongside one another 1
It seemed to work for a while but has since had less effect. If we had a government in Stormont it could be reinforced. 1
It set up our own assembly elected by proportional representation with the executive being elected was the honest method which is democratically fair. It also brought the decomissioning of paramilitary organisations. 1
It showed that both sidea could finally put their differences aside and just get on with life together and out an end to the troubles 1
It significantly decreased conflict and tension between catholics and protestants, I don’t have to live my life in fear of being hurt or be punished for my religious background 1
It somewhat made life here more peaceful 1
It sort of ended the troubles and has allowed Northern Ireland to grow commercially since then 1
It started the peace process and helped to lower the levels of violence in Northern Ireland 1
It stop the major attacks and allowed Northern Ireland to grow and expand from past events. It allowed tourism to bloom in the years after and stop residents of Northern Ireland having to live carefully. - 1
It stopped all the fighting between the catholics and protestants. It brought peace 1
It stopped huge conflicts and although there is still divides between societies it is a lot better that before the good Friday agreement 1
It stopped the Troubles 1
It stopped the conflict from what I know 1
It stopped the majority of sectarian violence, which widespread. City and town centres were regenerated. It re-introduced industry and mass production form foreign investors. 1
It stopped the majority of the trouble but the violence isn't over. On both sides there are still many people who will never let the divide go and it's starting to show on the young people too. A lot of fighting and sectarianism from teenagers still today 1
It stopped the troubles 1
It stopped the troubles, so NI is now a safer place to live. 1
It was a peaceful solution to the troubles 1
It was a respectable treaty which sought to reconcile the two different traditions in Ireland at the time, however just like any political movement/change, there is going to be different conflicting opinions regarding the matter. 1
It was a shambles before and now less so 1
It was a significant part of the process in reducing violence in Belfast and other troubled areas of Northern Ireland, as evidenced by the years following the agreement. 1
It was benefitial as it ended conflict from the troubles but people were annoyed that people were let out of prison early 1
It was largely responsible for ending the Troubles and violence in Northern Ireland. 1
It was taught to me a while ago so my memory/knowledge of the subject is not very good 1
It was the end of the troubles 1
It's stopped conflict and helped keep peace between the two communities. 1
It's was a peace agreement. 1
Its allowed communities to put their differences behind them. It has brought prosperity to Northern Ireland. 1
Its made people more tollerant of each other by introducing shared education and equal workplace opportunities. 1
Its only been brought up recently because of Brexit, but before that I never heard of it particularly brought up. 1
Ive not heard of it 1
Iy has begun to detribalise Northen Irish politics, provided a forum for all people to have their views expressed, and made Northen Ireland a relatively safer place. 1
Laws in place make it safer. No borders make travel easier and keeps the rural landscape beautiful. 1
Led to a ceasefire which made Northern Ireland safer 1
Led to the ceasefire and peace in Northern Ireland 1
Less Conflict 1
Less bombing and shooting from each others religious beliefs. 1
Less bombing/violence 1
Less conflict 3
Less hate crimes and murders 1
Less riots are happening however; immigrants are now being targeted and isolated by society 1
Less riots happen 1
Less sectarian violence 1
Less tension 1
Less terrorism and more committment to getting along from both sides 1
Less troubles. No border 1
Less violence 3
Less violence and political problems 1
Less violence between each of the communities 1
Less violence, more cross community project participation, better prosperity, less dysfunction as a society. 1
Less violence. No borders. Better outlook to the future. Freedom to go anywere you wanna go in Ireland. Less deaths to violence. Makes me feel I go to uni without the worry of mixing with other people. Less army in the streets. 1
Lessened the conflict 1
Let's the people decide what they want and not leave it to government 1
Listening to my mums childhood we definitley have more oppourtunities now. But if Stormont don’t set back to work soon I fear for our future! 1
Made it an easier place to live 1
Made it safer and made people more respectful of other people's communities 1
Many reasons, but particularly the decommissioning of weapons by the IRA made NI a safer place to live. 1
Many religious base attacks still take place today. An example would be the bombing of a car in Derry/ Londonderyy in January 2019. 1
Mass events of death have not taken place since the Good Friday agreement. And the Good Friday agreement for me marked that start of peace. 1
More Peace 1
More commication between catholics and protestants in projects 1
More cross community opportunities 1
More equal rights for catholics and protestants 1
More peace 1
More people are living in harmony. There is decreased conflict across the country 1
More undertsanding to one another and less hate crime 1
N/A 2
N9 1
Nationalists are no longer politically ineffective and relations between the two communities have improved, job/education prospects are more numerous for young people in both communities. And NI is now an overall safer country to live in thanks to the end 1
No troubles 1
No bombs or violence, however I do feel it is time the agreement should be reviewed 1
No violence between catholics and protestants 1
No, because I feel in Belfast there is still controversy but elsewhere it isnt too bad. 1
Northern Ireland is a lot more peaceful now 1
Northern Ireland should become apart of Ireland again 1
Not as many bombs/ killing-sectarian activity 1
Not as much conflict 1
Not as much fighting in NI. Catholics and protestants are living in somewhat harmony. 1
Not as much tension, there are more rights for everyone now. 1
Not as much violence happening as there used to. 1
Not enough knowledge on the subject 1
Not sure if it has or not 1
Now, people have learned to live together as a community. There no longer is fighting. More people have started to treat each other with respect, which sets good exampled for my generation and other generations 1
Of course its done good where I go now would have had the shit bombed out of it 20 years ago 1
Officially ended paramilitary violence affecting public and began thawing of hostilities between communities 1
One agreement cannot change everyones opinions 1
Over the last few years the clash between Catholics and Protestants have risen again 1
Paramilitaries are not killing as many people on a dailt basis. Normal Northern Ireland people can go about their daily lives without the threat of bombs. 1
Paramilitaries aren't blowing up the country anymore and we used to have a functioning government which I think makes NI a better place to live in now then when my parents grew up 1
Paramilitary ceasefires and peace- open borders- trade, investment, jobs and cultural connections, between north and south and between UK and Ireland. 1
Paramilitary violence has drastically changed and the Troubles are not an issue for young people anymore, they just learn about it 1
Peace 2
Peace has been made and the troubles are over and the country is now progressing towards a better place. 1
Peace in some areas of NI has been achieved however there is still a lot of tensions 1
Peace is better than the troubles. But we still have a massive way to go before religion/cultural identity doesn’t cause conflict. 1
Peaceful 1
Peaceful way of dealing with issues. 1
People are more accepting of people who are different than them. 1
People from both sides of the community are brought together. 1
People have their own opinions on how the government should be run so agreeing on a term means less people have different opinions and make it easier to run a country - 1
Personally I think the Good Friday Agreement has made Northern Ireland a better place to live as it ended the conflict that took place between the different paramilitary groups that existed. 1
Personally, I was not alive at the time so I have no perception as to how Northern Irish citizens from each political party, religious and social backgrounds reacted. It is also not brought up or relevant to my daily life 1
Political tension and political violence has seen a massive decline since the signing of the good Friday agreement 1
Probably was taught about it but I don’t remember 1
Provided sense of peace 1
Reduced violence. Made steps towards peace. 1
Reduced/ stopped violence 1
Relations between different groups have significantly improved since the period before the agreement 1
Relationships between catholics and protestants are less violent than the troubles - 1
Relationships in Northen Ireland are nowhere near as hostile as they were growing up, I didn’t come into contact with the same violence or fear that my parents did 1
Restrictive and holding back things even to this day. Didn’t really bring peace its basically linked to war 1
Safer 1
Safer place to live. Less deaths. Better cross community relations. 1
Significantly helped to gain peace and mutual respect 1
Skip 662
Slightly calmed down the trouble 1
St Andrews is the real thing that changed stuff. 1
Still fights going on with catholics and protestants. 1
Stop the riots 1
Stormont is not working. Politicians care about themselves and their party rather than important issues like health, education etc. 1
Terrorist activity declined. More cooperation between people. 1
The Belfast Agreement stopped a majority of physical conflict within communitities. I think it has now lead to complications and isnt as relevant to make NI a peaceful place. 1
The GFA effectively ended the troubles and led to the IRA decommisioning of weapons. It was my entire life feel like the troubles never happened because of the peace. It is easy to forget the paramilitaries exist and extreme protestantism until the 12th. 1
The Good Friday Agreement brought about the ceasefire of all political groups in Northern Ireland, and while there is still paramilitary violence to this day, the presence of paramilitaries in ordinary life has been greatly reduced, making people feel saf 1
The Good Friday Agreement has allowed the people of Northern Ireland the freedom to vote on issues they are passionate about without facing prejudice for their religion. Also, it has allowed the public to be relatively free of paramilitary groups which te 1
The Good Friday Agreement has made NI a better place to live in as there aren't as much conflict happening now as there was before but there are still things happening. 1
The Good Friday Agreement marked an end to the majority of conflict in Ni. 1
The Good Friday Agreement paved the way for further negotiations in other political agreements and created a better atmosphere which has lead us to today where catholic's and Protestants can get on a little better than they did previously 1
The Good Friday Agreement was and still is vitally important to the safety of the people of Northern Ireland. It was an amazing achievement which should be rightfully celebrated. The decommissioning of weapons was crucial to how safe we feel today compare 1
The Good Friday agreement has decreased the amount of violence in Northern Ireland. 1
The Good Friday agreement,Helped ensure that both Catholics and protestants have This CM political Power and social standing within in Northern Ireland 1
The agreement brought a false peace, still divided and it allowed terrorists to be freed both republican and loyalist 1
The agreement brought an end to a conflict that had been plaguing the country for years and made this country a much safer place 1
The agreement eventually brought along the ceasefire and RUC reform, meaning I didn’t need to worry about being lifted by a policeman or being gunned down by a paramilitary everytime I leave the house. 1
The agreement helped bring peace and showed that both nationalists and unionists could work together. 1
The agreement was a large reason why the troubles ended 1
The attacks from paramillitary groups have decreased, I think. 1
The begininng of the peace process is marked at this agreement, and enticed parties (excluding DUP) to unify to form a successful/ functional political system. Formed a basis for reforms that were universally accepted (incl. DUP) 1
The good Friday agreement brought an end to the troubles and allowed the political parties to have a coalition. Therefore making the lives of NI Citizens better 1
The good Friday agreement ended an ongoing conflict that had cost many people their lives. 1
The good Friday agreement gave almost a compromise between the political parties and people of not only Northern Ireland but also Ireland and the UK. It is clear that it was reasonably effective from the fact that violence (while it didn’t stop) signifi 1
The good Friday agreement is good because it has made a peaceful country and economical 1
The good Friday agreement put an end to the violence and death in Northen Ireland and made it safer for my generation to grow up in. The good Friday agreement also meant that the different communities were able to be represented equally at Stormont. 1
The good friday agreement is what has ended most violence and conflict between catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. I believe recent political violence threatening the good Friday agreement as a result of Brexit proves this is what has kept peac 1
The paramilitaries are not causing a threat to everyones lives now 1
The paramilitary attacks aren't a biolent as what I had heard my family talk about 1
The past was vey horrible and the Good Friday agreement brought about more peace and brought an end to the troubles. 1
The republican terrorists were appeased in the short term for peace. However it is unfair and ridiculous that these terrorists are now trying to persecute the police for actions that were the correct decisions at the time. The rebublicans have no right to 1
The same. 1
The veto rights mean that the DUP can constantly prevent us from leaving the 1970s and mean that laws on gay marriage, abortion and sexual education in schools can't be passed. 1
The violence in Northern Ireland has decreased significantly and I feel that most catholics and Protestants are more accepting of each other 1
Their not encouraged to kill each other any more 1
There are both advantages and disadvantages to it 1
There are more rights and better equality than it was before with riots and bombings 1
There are still arguents between both the British and the Irish governments and the political parties in Northern Ireland and this has posed as an inconvienience to the people in Northern Ireland because there has been no government in two years 1
There are still many people affiliated with paramilitaries and other gangs. 1
There has been a better relationship between Catholics and Protestants since the agreement and theres been more events, activities…etc featuring both religious groups 1
There has been a lot more peace since then but I think that there is still a long way to go 1
There has been less crimes between Protestants and Catholics, EG- car bombings etc 1
There is a lot less conflict 1
There is a lot less trouble now compared to my parents up bringing 1
There is a more relaxed atmosphere however it is clear that tensions still remain - 1
There is less conflict now than there was 20 years ago. I feel safer than my parents felt when they were my age. 1
There is less riots and people get along with each other well 1
There is no government 1
There is not as much street violence 1
There is still a lot of conflict between nationalists and unionists 1
There is still conflict 1
There is still conflict between catholics and protestants 1
There should be decisions made here not in England 1
There's less fighting or at least less mass fighting between the loyalists and unionists 1
There's still violence 1
Theres been peace 1
They conflict reduced significantly, and has made life safer for both sides of the agreement, and has allowed people to be able to connect with other groups easier and safer 1
This agreement stopped the troubles 1
Though I may believe morally it was wrong not to punish people for murder, the Good Friday Agreement meant that technically all murders by paramilitaries (prior to the 1994 ceasefire) was all done in a similar environment as soldiers in a war. It has also 1
Through talking with friends and families I can see how far we have come since then 1
To some the good Friday agreement will have helped relieve tension between potestant and catholic communities. To some this agreement may have increased tension and inflicted a sense of restraint to members of these communities about their religious abili 1
Unaware of the agreement 1
Very simply it has ensured relative peace for the majority of my life. It had a power sharing government for 12 years total. Whilst it is currently collapsed I do believe it is better than the alternative 1
Was the major piece of legislation which ended the troubles. Without it, we could be living in constant tension to this day. While relations between some political parties are not good or productive today, we live in a far safer society. 1
We actually got a bloody functioning local government for once. It certainly wasn't perfect, but it opened an avenue for uniting Ireland through political means instead of via violence, and at the very least showed that if we tried hard enough then everyo 1
We didn't learn about it 1
We would still be in the middle of a war otherwise 1
Yes because it brought an end to the years of violence and made Northern Ireland safer for Protestants and Catholics 1
Yes because the goof Friday agreement ended the violence of the troubles. The agreement needed communication between opposing parties which helped them put their differences aside. Because of the agreement and what followed, people no longer live in fear 1
Yes the past is still with us in that there are still people being killed far too often and there are still plenty of illegal weapons in the country , however if you look back at the 3500or so deaths during the troubles it is clear to see that there has b 1
Yes to a certain extent it has helped but conflict can still remain in specific areas, our political parties don't agree so we have no government. 1
Yes, I believe it has made Northen Ireland far more peaceful for all of it citizens. 1
Yes, as it made relations between catholics and protestants a lot better. 1
agree, due to less people being killed 1
because my parents were brought up in the troubles and its - not like that now 1
becuase only one side of the deal was upheld, an irish language act was promised but was never nade 1
caused peace in northen ireland 1
creates equality amount the people of Northeren Ireland 1
don't have a frame of reference 1
dont know anything about this please make your surveys more compatible with your questions 1
ended a lot of discriminating eg employment 1
ended the troubles - 1
has reduced the severity of the violence caused by religion and stopped most paramilitary activities. 1
i don't know enough about it if anything at all to be able to make a judgement - 1
i dont know 2
i have never heard of this agreement before so I don't currenlty have an opinion on this. What i can say is that this is a day of peace for both Irish and British citizens of Northern Ireland so yes, it is a good think overall. 1
i'm not sure 1
it encouraged people to be more tolerant for each others well being. 1
it established a sense of ruling and peace among the people of NI. 1
it has brought peace and stablitty 1
it has brought peace to northern Ireland. I have never know a time when there was not (relative) peace. 1
it has prevent violence and has set boundaries for the 2 main religions in Ireland to con inside with each other 1
it has promoted more equal rights for Irish citizens and has helped the Irish speaking community 1
its highlighted flaws in the system that were wrong, in police system and they removed the army. However!!! WE HAVE NO STORMOUNT!!! it has created a "us and them" political stance to now where WE ARE PAYING TO HAVE NO GOVERNMENT!!!! 1
learned about it for one maybe two classes about 3 years ago so i honestly cant mind what it is 1
less bombs and less killings 1
more civilised- better integration 1
n/a 1
no 1
people get on more 1
people stop killing each other but the uk still dont give a shit 1
reduced the hate between differnet groups 1
since the signing of the agreement the levels of sectarian hate crime has decreased dramatically 1
stopped most of the fighting 1
stopped most of the fighting - - - 1
there is still no evidence of a completely equal society, conflicts still occur. 1
well the violence is over... 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Life and Times Survey, 2018
UniverseAll 16-year olds in Northern Ireland who received child benefit payments and had her/his birthday in January, February or March of the survey year.
SamplingOne-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study