
UK Data Service variable record for:

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018

Variable Details

LabelHousehold type B
1 One person only 271
2 HRP married etc with dependent children in household 181
3 HRP married etc, no dep children in Hhold 294
4 HRP lone parent with dependent children in household 47
5 HRP lone parent with non-dep children in household 17
6 All others 23
8 Refusal 0
9 Don't Know 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOpinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018
Interviewer InstructionsHousehold Type B.
UniverseAdults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample