
UK Data Service variable record for:

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018

Variable Details

LabelWhy don't you use the short distance train services? You can give more than one answer.
Question text Why don't you use short distance train services (more often)? You can give more than one answer.
1 Trains Don't run often enough 1
2 It s easier by car 0
3 It s quicker by car 0
4 Train fares are too high 12
5 I think it is cheaper by car 29
6 I have difficulty getting to the railway station 6
7 Trains are too crowded 4
8 Parking is difficult 2
9 Public transport links to/from stations are poor 8
10 Trains Don't go where I want 11
11 There is no railway station nearby 7
12 I never leave the local vicinity / do not need to use trains 4
13 Difficulty of obtaining tickets/smartcards 2
14 Other(Please specify) 1
98 Refusal 2
99 Don't Know 0
Sysmiss 744
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOpinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018
Interviewer InstructionsPlease code all that apply. Do not prompt.
UniverseAdults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample