
UK Data Service variable record for:

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018

Variable Details

LabelWhat three improvements would be most important in encouraging you to use trains for short distance?
Question text What three improvements would be most important in encouraging you to use trains for short distance trips (more often)?
1 More frequent trains 84
2 More reliable and punctual trains 28
3 Better infomation about rail services 12
4 Improved condition/comfort of trains 16
5 Less crowded trains 24
6 Cheaper fares 178
7 Better safety at railway stations/on trains 4
8 Faster journey times 2
9 More routes 28
10 Railway station nearer to home/destination 56
11 Easier/better/cheaper parking facilities at stations 18
12 Better public transport links to/from stations 23
13 Nothing would encourage me to use trains (more often) 135
14 Ease of obtaining tickets/smartcards 3
15 Other(Please specify) 50
98 Refusal 7
99 Don't Know 22
Sysmiss 143
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOpinions and Lifestyle Survey, Train Satisfaction Module, February 2018
Interviewer InstructionsPlease code three only. Do not prompt.
UniverseAdults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample