
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, February - April, 2020

Variable Details

LabelExtra hours wished to work
Question text How many extra hours, in addition to those you usually work, would you like to work each week?
1 26
1.3 1
1.5 2
2 63
2.3 1
2.5 20
3 76
3.5 4
4 168
4.5 6
5 557
5.5 3
6 168
6.5 10
6.75 1
7 118
7.24 1
7.5 53
7.85 1
8 254
8.5 2
9 32
9.5 1
9.75 1
10 747
11 21
11.5 3
12 117
12.5 4
13 20
14 43
14.5 1
15 181
16 87
16.5 1
16.75 1
17 25
17.5 1
18 26
18.5 2
19 14
20 224
21 12
22 14
22.5 3
23 8
24 36
24.5 2
25 43
26 5
27 6
28 8
28.5 1
29 4
30 64
31 2
31.5 1
32 8
34 4
35 13
36 4
37 9
37.5 2
38 2
39 1
40 25
41 1
47 1
48 3
50 5
60 4
66 1
70 1
97 97 or more 1
99 Did not know/no answer 184
-9 Does not apply 69920
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, February - April, 2020
Interviewer Instructions97 hours or more = 97 Don't know or refusal = 99
UniverseAll persons normally resident in private households in Great Britain and (from 1994) Northern Ireland.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study